A Tort et A Travers

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Title: A Tort et A Travers
Author(s): Sheryl Adsit
Date(s): 1984
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Wars/The Professionals
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A Tort et A Travers is a Star Wars/Professionals story by Sheryl Adsit.


It was published in Time Warp #6/7 Volume 1.

Editor's Summary

Within the context of a SWARS story, Sheryl Adsit, in "A Tort et a Travers," introduces us to the stars of British action-adventure show called THE PROFESSIONALS. Meet Bodie and Doyle, two Brit ish agents from CI5. THE PROFESSIONALS has not been shown that widely in the States. It should be. It has excellent production values, more than competent acting, decently written scripts, and two very charismatic leading men. While not quite in THE AVENGERS' class, the show is infinitely better than most offerings on American TV"! Those of you who can get to Media*West Con might want to keep an eye out. Someone's sure to have tapes of the show there. Enjoy it--and meanwhile, enjoy Sheryl"s SWARS/ PROFESSIONALS cross-over tale.

Reactions and Reviews

It [1] also has the secondary benefit of making it much easier for the reader to enjoy Sheryl Adsit's "A Tort et a Travers". Having met Bodie in the earlier story makes it much more amusing to watch him "spending the wee hours of the morning with Princess Leia looking for a cow".[2]


  1. ^ Kate Santovani's "With A Little Help From My Friends," also a story in this zine
  2. ^ by Bill Vandewater from Scoundrel #6