Betty Franklin

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Name: Betty Franklin
Alias(es): Betty de Gabriele, Betty De Gabriele, BUG
Type: fanartist, costuming, fanzines
Fandoms: Star Trek, Starsky & Hutch, multimedia
Communities: Austrek
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Diane Marchant (left) with Betty at the Galactic Tours Convention banquet (March 1986) - photo by Helene Shaw in the Helena Binns collection

Betty Franklin (formerly de Gabriele) is an Australian fan and fanartist whose artwork appeared in numerous fanzines between the late 1970s and the early/mid 1990s.

She was an early member of Austrek and became contributor to its newsletter Captain's Log and fanzine Spock - not only as artist and writer, but also as editor. She was a participant or committee member on conventions such as Trekcon 2 and Galactic Tours.

Betty withdrew from active fandom in the 1980s/1990s, but she transferred her skills to employment opportunities, and also illustrated some professional publications. She has also kept in touch with many fannish friends.


The Captain's Log | Spock | Spunk | Late Night | Strange Justice | S and H | Celebration | Zebra Three | Me and Thee | Interceptor | The Science Fiction and Fantasy and Horror Fan Resource Book


Sample Art