The Dark Angel Big Bang Challenge

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Name: The Dark Angel Big Bang Challenge
Date(s): 2011 - 2014
Moderator(s): brihana25, denyce
Type: Big Bang - Fanfiction, Fanart
Fandom: Dark Angel
URL: darkangel-bb
Promo banner for the 2013 big bang
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The Dark Angel Big Bang Challenge was a big bang challenge in Dark Angel fandom. Authors had to write a minimum of 5000 words for a mini-bang or 10,000 words for a big bang, and artists had to create a minimum of one piece of a medium of their choice.



Weird Science (Or: Isn't It Always the Way; Just When You Find a Cure for One Specific Gene Targeted Pathogen another One Comes Along)
Author: glitterfics
Artist: sanadafaye
Summary: After being rescued from the clutches of a crazy ex-Manticore scientist Alec and Logan seem to be on the road to recovery...until they start simultaneously collapsing despite there being nothing wrong with either of them. (Alec/Logan, NC17)

What’s Underneath
Author: la_rubinita
Artist: skylar0grace
Summary: Alec teaches Max to get over herself. The hard way. But nothing was ever easy between them anyway. (Max/Alec, NC-17)

Designation: Hostile 17
Author: Denyce
Artist: Dollarformyname
Summary: It’s not until the moment 494 is thrown in the cell that he realizes what the anomaly already knows: it’s starved and he’s going to be its food. Somewhere things changed, now he has to work with Max to help himself and the anomaly, Spike, escape Manticore’s clutches. (Alec/Spike, NC-17, Dark Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Lost But Not Forgotten
Author: peaceful_sands
Artist: sillie82
Summary: Alec had been working hard with Max to create the new Transgenic Nation, so it was a surprise when he vanished without trace. With the Transgenics trapped inside Terminal City, how could they send out help to track him down and bring him home? The Losers were still on the run, determined to put an end to Max and Wade's machinations when they spotted a familiar face on TV. It had been years since they'd been deployed alongside X5-494 but he'd always felt like one of their own, so maybe it was time to get back in touch. (Mature, Dark Angel/The Losers(movie))

Truth, Justice and the Blah Blah Woof Woof (Superhero AU)
Author: glitterfics
Artist: davincis_girl
Summary: Welcome to the city of Seattle where Blaze Girl and her superpowered friends keep the streets free from crime and battle against the evil Manticore. But who is the mysterious Monty Cora and what does he want with Eyes Only? Find out the answer to all this and more in 'Truth, Justice and the Blah Blah Woof Woof'. (Alec/Logan, NC17)

Author: hunters_retreat
Artist: lazydaisyjax
Summary: Coming home for the first time in five years wasn't easy for Alec Singer. His Pops, Bobby Singer, always made sure Alec was welcome but fourteen years of homecoming hadn't erased what Manticore had taught him in ten. Still, it was good to be home again even if the circumstances were less than great. With nothing to lose, Alec and Bobby decided to let a pair of hunters in on their secret. Sam and Dean Winchester are less than thrilled to learn that the only family they had left had kept something from them, but there was a mystery to solve. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if the whole damn thing didn't come back to a place Sam and Dean were happy never to visit again, an asylum full of nightmares. And Roosevelt was only the first step of the journey (Sam/Dean, Alec/OC, NC-17, Dark Angel/Supernatural)

All My Sins Remember'd
Author: skylar0grace
Artist: sierraphoenix
Summary: It's one step forward, two steps back. Just as Alec and Max are trying to decide what sort of 'relationship' they have, Logan and Max disappear with Max leaving a note that simply says, "I'm sorry". Picking up the pieces of his broken heart, and the Transgenic city she has left behind, Alec takes control of TC and its people. Three years later and, with no word from her, Max suddenly turns up with no memory of who or what she is. Necessity demands that she learn all about herself and her past so that she is no longer a threat to them but Alec can't bring himself to tell her about their 'almost'. (Alec/Max, M15+)


A Fairytale of Seattle
Author: lazydazyfics
Artist: clwilson2006
Summary: Max escaped with the other X-5’s from Manticore through a magic travelling mirror and found herself a life in Seattle, constantly in hiding and on the lookout for her fellow escapees whilst making a meagre living at Jam Pony and supplementing it with cat burglary. On this occasion she finds herself and the victim of her burglary falling through an unknown magic travelling mirror and back to the world she thought she’d left behind. (Alec/Logan, NC-17)

The Most Dangerous Game
Author: ukefied
Artist: dollarformyname
Summary: After "Pollo Loco," Manticore tries to put Ben back together. When it doesn't work as well as they'd hoped, they use him as training bait for the new Gossamers instead. They chase him down and rip him apart time and time again, until Max torches the facility and lets everything out — then it's open season. Eventually the Gossamers chase him all the way back to Seattle, to Max's guilt and Alec's misery. Gossamers are relentless hunters, though; it doesn't take them long to catch up — and now they're after Alec, too. (Alec/Ben, Max/Logan, NC-17)

Author: cyndrarae
Artist: slinkymilinky
Summary: Post-S2, Terminal City is surrounded. Nobody can move in or out without putting the tenuous truce at risk. And if the ceasefire breaks, transgenics will not have enough resources to defend against the combined might of the army, NSA, and SeattlePD. Logan decides to pay a visit to an eccentric old, ridiculously rich uncle to try and get some much-needed funds, and Max sends Alec to escort him as his bodyguard/therapist/driver. Histories come up, and feelings and obsessions… and things get more complicated than either man could ever expect. (Alec/Logan, NC-17)

Art for Corvus Outis created by cassiopeia

Corvus Outis
Author: glitterfics
Artist: cassiopeia
Summary: Alec left Seattle after the stand-off at Terminal City to start a new life. Five years later and he's become The Raven; a sought after assasin-for-hire. Life's pretty good until he gets hired for a new job - one which sends him flying back to Seattle to save an old friend and lands him in the middle of a plot against the Transgenics. (Alec/Logan, NC-17)

Made of Steel Made of Bone
Author: creepylicious
Artist: mandraco
Summary: Alec finds himself looking after two kids from the past. “What does it mean?” John asked. His fingertips brushed over the tattoo on Alec's neck and Alec made himself not flinch or break John's arm. It was a reflex. He wanted to lecture John on the dangers on sneaking up on him, but he let it slide. John was being comfortable in his space, it wasn't a bad thing. It wasn't John's fault either that Alec sometimes didn't know how to deal with a casual touch. And the tattoo was a painful reminder of all the things he wanted to forget, but couldn't. “It's a bar code what do you think it means?” Alec shoot back. “Bar codes are used to tag products, merchandise,” Cameron said in that unnerving calm voice of hers. Alec knew she didn't mean to offend. She didn't know better, it was how she was after all. She couldn't really change it either. “He's not a thing,” John said sharply. There were people out there that thought otherwise, Alec thought. “She's right. It shows what kind of merchandise I am.” (Alec/Cameron, Cameron/John, John/Alec/Cameron, R)

When the World Made Sense
Author: hunters_retreat
Artist: sillie82
Summary: Once upon a time, Logan Cale's life made sense. Maybe not to anyone else, but it did to him. That was before he'd ever heard of Manticore, or X-5's, and certainly before he found himself the head of the Trans-normal movement that had sparked after the explosive outing of transgenics in Terminal City. Two years of fighting for the cause had taken its toll though, and not just on Logan. Anti-trans groups put a price on their heads and none more so than for Alec McDowell.

Alec tried to act like none of it bothered him but Logan knew different. They were co-conspirators and stood shoulder to shoulder leading the movement. An offhanded comment has Logan thinking it's time for a change, for the movement and for himself. Will Logan's grand experiment - a self-sustaining farming community for humans and transgenics alike - give them the chance to make peace with the world or will it fail? Will it give Alec the chance to finally heal from his emotional scars that a life as a Manticore assassin left him? And will they both finally realize what they’ve been fighting for all along? (Alec/Logan, NC-17)

Closer Than Expected
Author: peaceful_sands
Artist: davincis_girl
Summary : The Transgenics are trapped inside Terminal City, under siege when Alec falls ill. Is there something more sinister behind his illness? Can he recover? When assistance is offered from an unexpected quarter, can it be trusted? And is there a closer link between the Transgenics and those offering help than anyone yet knows? (Max/Alec, R, Dark Angel/Avengers/Fantastic Four)

Hunting the Dark
Author: bellatrixkale23
Artist: evian_fork
Summary: Supernatural AU fusion. Alec and Ben were raised like soldiers to hunt the things that go bump in the night. But it's a lot harder than what it used to be since the Pulse. (Ben/Alec, slight Alec/Max)

Mind Games
Author: ladyarcherfan3
Artist: kj_svala
Summary: When a routine supply run ends in tragedy, Alec and Max uncover what looks to be a new plot by the Familiars to wipe out the transgenics. As Alec deals with his own memories and pain dug up by the investigation, Max handles with the fall out both personally and with TC in general, they begin to discover a few things about each other. (Background Max/Logan with hints of beginning Max/Alec, PG-13)

You're Fired
Author: denyce
Artist: ladyarcherfan3
Summary: Back in his wheelchair with a broken wrist, Max and Alec agree to help Logan out when Bling has to leave for a month. Within their first hour a misunderstanding leads to a catalyst that will change and affect their relationships forever. (Alec/Max/Logan, NC-17)


Letting Go
Author: walking_tornado (and artist)
Summary: After Biggs’ death, Alec deals with the memories of their coming of age in the shadow of Manticore. With Logan still untouchable, Max turns to Alec during her heat, but she isn’t the only one suffering the effect of their feline DNA. (Takes place during episode 2.20 Love Among the Ruins) (Alec/Biggs, Alec/Lola, Alec/Max, NC-17)

Reconstruction, Book 1: Awakenings
Author: d8rkmessngr
Artist: evian_fork
Summary: Alec has been hiding out from Manticore in Seattle. He steals from the rich; spends it until he's poor. He gets paid for sex. He squats different dumps every week. But he's okay. He's great. But one day, he meets someone while breaking into a certain penthouse. And he's now discovering he's not really that okay after all. Neither is his new friend. But you know what? That's really okay... (Alec/Logan, R)

On the Dunes of The Cape
Author: lazydazyfics
Artist: hunters_retreat
Summary: Alec, Max and Logan save the day but all three of them are left feeling like they need something more. Hugging turns to kissing which in turn becomes something more with Max and Logan telling each other what they'd like to do to each other and Alec obliging, no holds barred. (Max/Alec, Logan/Alec)

Apocalypse Now and Later
Author: ladyarcherfan3
Artist: ceares
Summary: Alec has enough to worry about at TC in the few weeks after the siege started - and Max expects even more from him. On top of that, he's been having strange dreams about driving down the open highway in a beaut of a car. But just when he thought his life couldn't get more complicated, that damn car shows up in his waking hours, with two guys who claim that the world is going to end, just because he shares DNA with them. And they have to find Max's clone wherever she went in Canada, because she's a part of this Apocalypse Now deal. As if he didn't have enough to worry about. (Gen, R, crossover with Supernatural)

Max Guevera Tomb Raider: What the Ancients Left Behind
Author: denyce
Artist: susanmarier
Summary: An interest in her dad’s clock quickly turns into peril. With the help of Sheppard and his team, Max finds herself halfway around the world with hopes to stop White and a man named Michael. (Max/Alec/Logan, PG-13, crossover with Stargate Atlantis)

Striking a Balance
Author: peaceful_sands
Artist: tattooeddevil
Summary : When Manticore is destroyed just outside Seattle and the Transgenics have to make their own way in the world while staying out of sight of those who want to see them recaptured or dead, X5-494 struggles to cope as he builds a life. He tries to make his life into an undercover mission, but as the compulsion to keep things as he knew them increases life becomes harder to understand and manage. Help comes from an unexpected source. (Gen, PG-13, crossover with Bourne Legacy)


Reflections on Bleeker Street
Author: Denyce
Artist: Dollarformyname
Summary: An important rendezvous is jeopardized unless Alec and Logan can get inside a particular club that caters to a particular clientele. (Alec/Logan, R)

"Missing Pieces: The Black Sheep"
Author: Cathelin
Artist: evian_fork
Summary: As life for the Transgenics as they establish themselves in Terminal City comes together, Max and Alec receive a huge surprise. Set before the Jam Pony siege. (Implied Max/Logan, PG-12)

Past Today
Author name: dollarformyname
Artist name: amberdreams
Summary: Terminal City was abandoned after an attack five years ago, survivors scattered to fend for themselves. Alec's been on his own for a while now, trying to forget what he lost, but then Ben shows up to make him remember in all the wrong ways. After an armed robbery and a city-wide manhunt that results in high-speed chases, gunshot wounds, more dead transgenics, and a hostage situation or two, Alec tracks Ben down to thank him properly. (Gen, R)