The Black Lace Series

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Title: The Black Lace Series
Author(s): Katy Deery
Date(s): 1999/2000 (?)
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Something in Black Lace
Desert Hearts
My Oxygen (all parts at Night666's Homepage)

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The Black Lace Series is a Mulder/Krycek story by Katy Deery. It has three parts:

  1. Something in Black Lace
  2. Desert Hearts
  3. My Oxygen

Recs and Reviews

Ah, The Great Slash Drought continues, finally striking all fandoms including DS. Thus, I am searching through all my files trying to find old stories that I loved and have yet to rec. Just sitting here I have thought of two X-files series that I have always loved and reread several times. They tend to fall under the catergory, "Was I brain dead to have forgotten to rec these, yet?" This series I intended to rec from the beginning. I even asked some list sibs for the addy to her website, then some how my insomniac brain forgot about it. The first two stories are really just PWP's, some hot sex that sets up seeing how a deeper relationship can start to develope between the two guys. The third story however is the real winner. It is long and fabulous. Got some h/c (hurt/comfort) going on in part of. There is some angst and the two guys try and fight there way past all the shit that lies in the expanse between them so that they can find their way together. Was that line sappy enough for you? Despite my sappy rec, [...] it is a wonderful story. I absolutely love it and I'm hanging my head in shame for not rec'ing it until now.[1]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 28 March 2015)