Diva Vexa Aeterna

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Name: Diva Vexa Aeterna
Date(s): 2002 or before - ?
Archivist: Darry
Fandom: Gladiator
URL: http://www.geocities.com/divavexa/ (Wayback link)
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Diva Vexa Aeterna was a Gladiator fanfiction archive. It was hosted by GeoCities. The site was the SPQR ring homepage and it was a member of the Gladiator Slash Webring.


SUBJECT MATTER Any and all Gladiator characters are welcome here. General Maximus, Commodus, Cicero, Juba, whoever. Crossover fics are fine as well.

MOOD OF THIS SITE Lots of drooling, silliness, and your basic estrogen-induced frenzy with some good slapping around thrown in on the side.

FIC POSTING AND ARCHIVING All fics must have the appropriate headers: Title, Author, Rating, Disclaimer, Notes, Warnings, etc. Note: You MUST provide appropriate warnings if your fic contains any sort of physical violence, sexual violence, or any other subject matter that could be potentially offensive or upsetting to the reader. If you want a fic archived, you will need to send it to the Archivist as a text attachment. No explicit underage stories will be archived. On that note . . . READ YOUR WARNINGS! If you get offended by something that has a clear warning, don't whine to anyone but yourself.

BETA We encourage you to have your fics beta read, especially if you are new to the writing game, or simply want some feedback before taking the leap and posting to the list. The Archivist is a beta, and you are encouraged to use her services if you are in need of one. At the very least, PLEASE run a spell check.

SLASH Feel free to post slash fics, just make sure you put a slash warning in the header so the reader knows what they're getting into.

FLAME TOLERANCE We have none. No tolerance what so ever. If you are flamed, contact the Webmistresses even if you are flamed by an anonymous person with a cowardly web address. Even if you don't know them, chances are that we might.

ARTWORK We love it. Please post it. Send to the Archivist in jpg or gif format- no exceptions.

FEEDBACK TO FICTION Please send all feedback of a helpful and glowing nature here and we will make sure that it reaches the author. Ensure that you provide us with the title of the fic/pic to which you refer.

REALITY Is not really a part of this site. We come here to play and to behave in a way that the real world doesn't allow.

QUESTIONS Never, ever hesitate to contact your Webmistress with any questions or concerns. All we ask is that you keep a consistent regard for these policies.