Dostoyevski's Tea

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Title: Dostoyevski's Tea
Author(s): Jane Symons
Date(s): 1997
Length: ~11,000 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Dostoyevski's Tea (Jane's Jewels)

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Dostoyevski's Tea is a Mulder/Krycek story by Jane Symons. The story originally appeared in the fanzine eXposure #1.

Summary: Mulder hunts Krycek down in Russia, not quite a romantic holiday.

Recs and Reviews

In [Dostoyevski's Tea] our Ratboy is still very much a slut, and there's a lot of fantasies and double-talking, all happened before the grand background of Mother Russia. Sexy, sharp and even managed to be sad without too *sad*.[1]


  1. ^ aris in blue(s). X-Files Recs (Accessed 03 April 2015)