A Fanfiction Syllabus

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News Media Commentary
Title: A Fanfiction Syllabus: Ten classics that cover the history, breadth, and depth of the form, with original custom-designed covers
Commentator: Abraham Riesman
Date(s): March 9, 2015 (print), March 11, 2015 (online)
Venue: print, online
Fandom: multifandom
External Links: It’s a Fanmade World: From One Direction to Soderbergh; current version, Archived version
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

A Fanfiction Syllabus: Ten classics that cover the history, breadth, and depth of the form, with original custom-designed covers is a 2015 essay written by Abraham Riesman. It is part of It’s a Fanmade World: From One Direction to Soderbergh, a collection of nine essays and posts by various commentators.

The article cited consultation help from several fans known for their meta writing, including Aja Romano and Gavia Baker-Whitelaw. It received a mixed response from fans who felt the syllabus failed to properly represent the range and diversity of fanfiction.

The "Fanfiction Syllabus"

It’s a Fanmade World: From One Direction to Soderbergh is a 2015 collection of nine essays and posts by various commentators, of which "A Fanfiction Syllabus" is one of the main essays. The majority of fan comments and reactions to the collection were in response to the Fanfiction Syllabus, which stirred up some controversy. Fan comments faulted the essay for being too focused on dudeslash, on slash in general, and lots of fans had opinions on what fandoms should have counted as "classic examples."

The "Fanfiction Syllabus" is described as follows: "Ten classics that cover the history, breadth, and depth of the form, with original custom-designed covers." The section was written by Abraham Riesman, with "consultation help" from Cyndy Aleo, Emily Asher-Perrin, Charlotte Geater, Anne Jamison, Aja Romano, and Gavia Baker-Whitelaw.

The Syllabus:


Fan Comments

From Fail-Fandomanon

Below are comments from fans at fail-fandomanon, Archived version, March 11, 2015.

General Reactions

I like how the fake book cover for Written by the Victors says "by Esperanza."

This "Very Secret Diaries" cover is GENIUS.[1]

I'm always surprised to see "corporate colonization" of creativity and variations thereof leveled as a criticism against fanfiction, because fanfiction as an act of reading against the "corporate" approved narrative, or of criticizing it, is fairly engrained in fandom. Whether that reading against is by queering an otherwise straight narrative with a same-sex pairing, or by expressing a more fundamental criticism of the source material, there's plenty of fanfiction that would make the corporate overlords in charge of the source IP blanch. Take a look at Written by the Victors, from Vulture's fanfiction syllabus. When the show itself took just about every opportunity to remove the dramatic stakes of a cut-off-from-Earth premise, and never substantively engaged with the inherent themes of colonialism and imperialism, Written by the Victors goes all in with them, and that's a direction the creators and producers of Stargate Atlantis would never have taken the show, even aside from the slash pairing. That whole fandom was an exercise in "Okay, this is an interesting premise which you have entirely squandered. We're gonna fix that." [2]

A Variety of Fanworks

I will say that regardless of the quality of the syllabus that I appreciate that they put examples up there that really did something interesting with format or structure, which I guess was Aja's agenda. One can debate the quality and innovation of the prose of the fic themselves until we're all seething in our respective corners, but the creators of Flesh Mechanic, The Shoebox Project, Written by the Victors, The Very Secret Diaries and American Captain have the most outwardly obvious transformative aspect from the original work. I can't believe Flesh Mechanic was posted more than 10 years ago now. Wow. I remember reading it for the first time and reading about the shockwaves it sent throughout my popslash circles, because that fic swung for the fences. Like or dislike it, for that time, it was like nothing else I had seen.

Needs More Fandom Diversity

That syllabus is really something. It reads like a list someone who talked to Aja and maybe two other people would put together, which, let's be honest, is probably what happened here.

The Kraith Collection? If I were limited to one TOS zine from that era, I probably would have gone for Spockanalia.

I guess, hypothetically, a person closely affiliated with Fanlore, then, with that one Starsky & Hutch rec.

Yeah, that was kind of out of left field. I don't remember that being nearly so big a fandom as Quantum Leap or Highlander.

I liked having the Starsky & Hutch rec in there to sort of represent the various big fandoms of the 80s, 90s and very early 00s (Sentinel, Due South, Highlander, probably some others I'm forgetting). Other than that and the Star Trek rec, it feels very heavily loaded to recent stories for what's supposedly a list of Classics.

It's even more annoying in an article that claims to cover the entire history of fandom and includes older fandoms like Holmes and Star Trek and Starsky & Hutch. Xena fandom was enormous in its day, and produced tons of femslash. If nothing else, the whole "uber fic" phenomenon deserved a mention.

And just now noticing the lack on non-Western fandoms.

Yeah, Xena fandom is one of those foundational fandoms for femslash that even those of us who were never actually in it, know a lot about. And mentioning uber fic would've made sense both in the context of them talking about the Twilight AUs that spawned 50 Shades of Grey as well as how many of those uber fics wound up becoming published lesbian romance novels. Which reminds me of something else that someone pointed out about the syllabus - that the caption for the VSD stated that Cassie Claire was one of the few fanfic authors to get a pro publishing deal out of it. Meanwhile, there were at least two or three other authors on the syllabus itself that had pro deals - they just didn't choose to use a variant of their fannish pseud when going pro, so it's harder to know if you don't have inside details. Which, to be fair, the text of the article acknowledges at one point.

Why All the Dudeslash?

Well, that's a very dudeslash syllabus.

I hope people know there is more than just gay fan fiction. Article felt #skewed [3]

I can just SMELL another "slash is sexist!" wank brewing, and it smells TERRIBLE.

A lot of the time when someone says "dudeslash" like that it means they're going to go into a rant about how slash is so sexist and slash fans are the worst. Other anon jumped the gun a bit (at least wait for you/whoever to do something else) but I can understand their reaction.

It is. And I'm not here to start misogyny wank, I just get frustrated at the attempt to paint fanfic and fandom as slash-dominated. I really love slash and it's primarily what I read now, but I entered fandom through het fanfic and that shit is huge. I don't know why it would be ignored, except for the "lol girls who write about guys kissing so weird!!!" lede.

I don't use dudeslash in a snarky manner. I just kind of feel like if femslash gets a qualifying prefix, then why not m/m slash? I've actually started using m/m slash instead though, because I realize that it's hard to realize that it's not meant as snark on my part.

IIRC, "dudeslash" was originally coined to distinguish it from "femslash" and "slash", which in theory stands for both but in practise is often a male default with a female prefix modifier. Its intent was and is (most of the time) as a clarifying word, not a snarky one.

Yeah, my reaction wasn't about misogyny, more about 'wow, my experience as a femslash fan was completely omitted.' Which, I get it, we're a small subset of fandom and not what the article was focused on. And tbh, it didn't even bother me until I came across this quote -

At the risk of stating the obvious, what most fic testifies to is that its authors are really, really interested in men.

Because while that's definitely true for a lot of people, in my corner, not so much. Those of us who occasionally do write about dudes hear about it, believe me. It would've been kinda nice for a throwaway line about a smaller femslash side, but I'm not pounding out an angry letter to the editor about it, just venting here a bit.

I totally agree that there's definitely a lot of het fans who are into their ships because of their love of the female character. My entry to fandom was through BtVS het, and while there were definitely the fans who didn't seem to like Buffy much while they simultaneously fought viciously over what dude she should hook up with, there were plenty more who loved the character and enjoyed writing/reading about her being awesome and happy, which is the side I fell in with. Until I decided rather than fight over which dude, I'd just ship her with all the chicks instead, heh. And yeah, I don't know if 'they're just normal heterosexual girls!' was the intent or not, but if it were, it'd be pretty far off the mark, given the sheer number of m/m slash fans who are bi, pan, or lesbian.

From Tumblr

Those of us contributing to this discussion were pretty much in agreement about a lot of these fics, including Shoebox, Victors, American Captain, the Paradox Series, and the VSD. I also voted for After, The Sandwich Story, Flesh Mechanic, and Scales of Justice! I think the other two stories I went to bat for were The Scene is Dead by synchronik (FAVE) as well as Katie Forsythe’s earlier Sherlock Holmes pastiche fics <3 ETA: Oh, and Irresistible Poison, because OBVIOUSLY. <3333 [4]

American Captain and Written by the Victors both just made it into a mainstream discussion of fanworks and transformative works. I actually just got a little light headed. [5]

On one hand, good to know that “respected” mainstream magazines or newspapers are taking fanfiction seriously. On the other, my instinctive knee-jerk reaction, like, please leave us alone! [6]

So in the wake of TheoryofFandomgate (ugh), someone really has to ask: did the fic authors give permission for their work to be publicised in the mainstream media? [7]

There’s at least one other example of ficcers who got a book deal in this very post! Also, love how ‘the history, breadth, and depth of the form’ doesn’t include a single female character - oh no, wait, one unnamed OC. [8]

Look, the history, breadth and depth of the form is 99% white dudes, 1% OCs. Everyone knows femslash is marginalised, so it’s totally representative to ignore it completely. Het? With canon female characters? ALSO DOESN’T EXIST, is not a major part of fic, what are you talking about, we can’t hear you over the sound of these white guys. [9]

Serously, how the hell does one compile a “fanfic syllabus” and not include Xena fandom, with its vast amount of novel-length Xena/Gabrielle fics? Or X-files fandom, with all the Mulder/Scully fic which, IIRC, gave us the term “shipper”? Or BtVS? Or Dr. Who?[10]

oh my fucking god, this is me! That’s me! This is such a weird trip. I wrote the sandwich story when I was 15 or 16 in about twenty minutes for Yuletide and then I never participated again as far as I can remember. I think it got like 200 comments, which I was super proud of, and then I forgot about it. I didn’t even remember what I’d called it. And now it’s in a class syllabus and a Vulture story next to The Shoebox Project. Whoever made the cover — thank you! It’s so beautiful! And hellotailor and bookshop, thank you for your work on the story. Wow, this is so cool. [11]

Ugh, Kraith. I tried Kraith, in the days of paper zines. And it tried me. I couldn’t get past the “Vulcan Uber Alles” attitude in it - nor the misogyny expressed by these “logical” beings. Also the two characters designated as Russian - Chekhov and one other fellow with a Russian surname - are portrayed as utter pigs to women. The one thing I did like was its portrayal of Christine Chapel, at a time when she was the most hated person in fanfic. But it is an important part of fanfic history. [12]

Ho ho, no mention of the massive plagerism wank about Cassie Claire’s fic or however her name is spelled nowadays. Also, Shoebox Project people got some sort of a deal. I remember a Sunday papers article about it when I was just getting into fandom. [13]

Okay. So. This is a good list, because Shoebox! Victors! Paradox! These are paragons of fic in my book. But notice that this is an article about fandom and fanfiction written by a dude and featuring art created by at least 8 dudes out of 10 artworks. Yeah. [14]

These are great. I’m trying not to be annoyed that Ces’s name is wrong on the Victors cover. But otherwise it’s a neat thing. :D [15]

sorry, still feeling pissy about this conclusion at the end of that vulture article. how can you write a whole section about how erotic fanfic really explores female desire/sexuality and then end here…? and ALSO since WHEN are men’s inner lives hard to find on display in pop culture?! bull-fucking-shit, they are. what the hell did i spend high school and college lit classes reading then???? etc etc etc ETA: Once more, less angry. I do not believe that erotic fanfiction is a testimony to how much women love men or want to know and explore about the inner emotional lives of men. I think it’s a testimony to the fact that women (and others with marginalized sexualities) have the power and drive to create a safe space where they can explore these sexualities (which include more than just desire for the physical act of sex). Part of what makes that space safe is that they’re in control of the ‘straight’ cis men. Even when these men behave like Harry in After, the writer (a woman - thus someone with a marginalized sexuality) had the control of him in the writing. I’m not condoning that portrayal, per se, only noting that it still is part of this ‘safe space’ of sexual exploration.[16]

There’s been several publicly known fic authors who got book deals — two I’ve shared fandoms with and know directly through fandom. Then there’s the fans whose fic were purchased for publishing like E. L. James (I saw saw a list last year with a dozen on it, tho no one I knew or shared fandoms with.) I listened to a panel at SDCC last year where a rep from Wattpad went into great detail about the amount of fic on their site. I was impressed witb his knowledge, particularly about bandom and younger massive fandoms. I made an account for them but I’m not much into their site design or posting capabilities. [17]

…except Aja/bookshop is a dishonest, selfish brat who’d do anything for attention, including write an article about fandom-famous abuser Andy Blake that throws a bunch of his former victims under the bus. And there’s at least one of the recommended authors I wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole either. Granted, Cassandra Clare/Claire doesn’t seem to have plagiarized everything she wrote when it came to the VSD, but the rest of her fandom career has been rip-offs and backstabs galore. [18]

On the one hand, I had the kneejerk reaction of, “Hey, this is kinda cool.”

On the other hand, I also had the reaction of I don’t need self-important magazines telling me that fic is worthy of my time and attention.

Seriously, some of us get into fic because we want to get away from ostentatious, bloviated literary hipness and boring-ass prize-winning satirical novels that get worshipped in these sorts of publications. The last thing we want is praise from Jonathan Franzens who wouldn’t know a good story if it smacked them in the face.

I also couldn’t help but notice how unfandom-like the above piece is. Who wrote it? A man. Who did most of the illustrations? Men. Ooh look, here’s a group composed mostly of men, and it’s saying that fanfiction is important. Therefore, fanfiction must be important. Spare me. [19]

So this is sort of…. alarming and overwhelming?!?? But also very cool????? I’m old enough to be like “AHHH TURN OFF THE LIGHT” when the “reals” talk about fandom. But at the same time this is a respectful and, from what I can tell, mostly legitimate representation of the things that truly make fanfic great! The three on here I know are: Shoebox Project (unequivocally one of my favorite stories OF ALL TIME, and is actually more important in my heart than the actual books); Written By the Victors (I’m SO GLAD that one of SGA’s all stars got on this list because fuck yes. It’s weird that they don’t mention the fandom in the blurb though); and American Captain, which is simply wonderful.

What I want to take issue with though is 1) Cassandra Clare’s inclusion, ugh, and 2) the comment that she’s “one of the rare fic authors to get a book deal”. You know who who else is one of those rare authors? LADY JAIDA. She has published several awesome books in her awesome series Havemercy about MECHANICAL DRAGONS. It’s so disrespectful to ignore that but mention CLARE’S books. Ughhhhh. Why is it always the shittiest parts of fandom that see the light? (See also: 50 shades, ughhhhh)

In any case. This is a thing that happened????!???? [20]

I am actually pissed. Apart from the Diaries, I have never heard about any of these and most are *my* fandoms! The search starts now… [21]

Yup. This sort of thing just increases the invisibility of femslash, and even women in general. I wouldn’t go so far as to say het fic is marginalised (ahahahahahaha NO), but like fic about canon female characters, it doesn’t exist for Aja et al. It also erases my own fannish history — I got into fandom via shipping sites, and it was three years before I even encountered m/m slash. I knew it existed, because I had read articles about fandom (just like this one, in fact) that suggested m/m slash was all there was. But I never saw it. And I still rarely read it. [22]

Wow, where’s that “you didn’t even try” star. It’s like these self styled “face of fandom types” just get more and more famous and less and less interested in pretending an parts of fandom outside of Western Media slash even exist. Including the MASSIVELY POPULAR tradition of het fanfic 50 Shades grew from. And afaict Aja used to even be in anime fandom, so I know she knows that exists, but I guess popslash is deeper or something. And of course the more mainstream the AO3 gets, the more it supports it’s own narrative through articles like this. Look at the numbers, Western Media slash (and slashy gen about dudes) is all that fandom cares about. [23]

Good on hellotailor and bookshop for contributing to this rare non-embarrassment (did NYmag design the covers? I suddenly feel like I have read more Real Books(tm) than my previous count XD). [24]

This has nothing to do with AO3? This is about the Daily Dot enabling Aja to say shit that is wildly inaccurate. AO3 is not a curated archive; what’s there is what people put there. Does that mean it covers every kind of fanfic ever, or represents every fan? Unfortunately, no, but that’s not because AO3 is trying to turn people or fanfics away. Ironically I was just thinking about what kind of “History of Fan Fiction” syllabus I would try to write, and I gave it up as impossible. Good thing Aja isn’t limited by any sense of the form’s breadth and diversity. [25]

So Vulture wrote up a “Guide to Fanfiction” that isn’t muchof a guide at all and I read through it and got all righteously indignant at it. Like, I am so sick of these articles that are like, “Look at this weird thing people do on the Internet! Why would anyone write fanfiction? What’s up with that????”

So look. Another Manifesto By EGT...

.....The point of fanfiction is it’s not meant to stand alone; it wouldn’t work as well as a standalone. It’s meant to be part of a context. And maybe some pieces of fanfiction transcend that context but they’re best within the context, they’re best as part of the larger community. This is why you seldom just read one fic in a fandom. Yes, there’s comfort in the same characters over and over, but really why you’re reading is because the more you read, the more you know the shared vocabulary and history of that fandom, the more you feel part of them, the more you belong, the more everything coalesces into crystalline brilliance. I have read really fantastic pieces of fanfiction but I am more inclined to say things like, “God, what the Sherlock fandom did with Mystrade was amazing.” It wasn’t any individual person, even if it was a particular fic that might stand out when I think back. It was that everybody together made this thing, and it was amazing, and for all that fanfiction is just like all fiction, it is also fundamentally different. Just not in the way people seem to talk about. It’s not different because it’s written by women, or because it’s pornographic, or because it’s got a lot of slash; it’s different because it overtly recommends that you buy into a larger identity, a culture of belonging, of finding a place. We need that sometimes. It’s literally as simple and straightforward as that: We all like to find the places where we belong. [26]

Yeah, I wouldn’t call it marginalisation [of femmeslash and women], just massively obnoxious, not to mention ridiculous given how huge het is. And the homophobic anti slash arguments that are partly responsible for slashers being so defensive are marginalisation (I certainly find them pretty upsetting when I encounter them myself), so I have a little sympathy. But it’s still obnoxious. [27]

Oh man, now I need to go back and reread Written by the Victors. It will be like I’m 27 and have bangs instead of being 34 and having back pain. [28]

I have SUCH FEELS on this – in part because I participated and the conditions under which I felt fine about it didn’t end up happening. I expressed my concerns about New York Magazine and its track record right up front. I told the journalist that I use NY Mag articles in my course as examples of “really problematic.” I asked, first thing, about who they were talking to, who would be writing features, and was given a name of a journalist with strong and active fandom and fic ties, as part of a whole series of articles that was part of the magazine trying to take a different approach and do better. While I like work that Laura Miller has done and generally think she does take fanfic/fan culture seriously, there is a tone of condescension there, and that was not the name they gave me.

Things change in publication all the time, I think the journalist told me what he believed to be true at the time. I am very frustrated. I am busy. I say no to interviews and journalist requests all the time. I know from experience that as a source, you have absolutely no control over the direction of the final product, and how a 45 minute interview can result in a clip of your saying “like sex” or just use the info and never mention you spoke. Them’s the breaks. But I am frustrated because I took a lot of time and energy to support what was presented to me as a very different approach, one that I approved of. Also so I could say things like this:

This would probably go over better with a reminder/recommendation that fanfiction works best for those who have some familiarity with the source material.
And not everyone wants to be recced. [29]

From If You Want to Talk About Something Weird, Let's Talk About Geoducks, Not Fanfiction:

Speaking of condescending: That’s the problem with the entire tone of that Vulture article and of most discussions about fanfiction. They are just so incredibly condescending. “Look at these cute little people creating things!” these articles seem to say. “People outside of the traditional establishment have *thoughts* in their *heads* and create things! Can you believe it?” [30]

On Consultants

The article cited consultation help from Cyndy Aleo, Emily Asher-Perrin, Charlotte Geater, Anne Jamison, Aja Romano, and Gavia Baker-Whitelaw.

Many fans criticized the list for being overwhelmingly white, male, and slash-focused.

Much of this commentary focused on Aja Romano. While it was acknowledged that Aja was not the author of the article and did not bear full responsibility for the lack of diversity, Romano's presence as a consultant on the article and as a prominent member of fandom (and reporter thereof) meant that she received a lot of attention following the publication of the article and was a focal point of the discussion that ensued. For example, Aja received the following Ask on her Tumblr on 12 March 2015:

Anonymous: Er, the syllabus/covers. The art's gorgeous, obviously, but since i'm not familiar with all of the fandoms, can you clarify how many of the stories center on characters who aren't white dudes? I'm a little put off by how the "classics that cover the history, breadth, and depth of the form" seem to, well, contradict what you say about how "if a canonical worldview is entirely straight-white-male, then fans will actively resist it." straight, maybe, but the other two... [31]

Aja's response stated that she had protested the list being described as comprehensive and objected to the non-diverse nature of it before it was posted. She noted that she didn't have final say on the selections and acknowledged some of the shortcomings of the list, but also emphasized the subversive nature of the works in general. Her response generated further discussion around the Two White Guys fandom trope. However, aside from this general issue, Romano's specific comments drew criticism. Tumblr user allofthefeelings reblogged the above post and added:

I have to say I’m pretty put off by this explanation.

First of all, the whiteness of these choices is problematic for more reasons than just being all Western media sources, and it’s ridiculous to not acknowledge that. [...]

Secondly, and more broadly, is a problem that isn’t exclusive to this particular list of best fanfic, but it’s something that’s been bothering me for a while. When people say they want to include the best stories with women, or the best stories featuring characters of color, what’s not explicitly stated but is certainly heavily implied is that the best stories, full stop, are the stories about white men, and particularly white men fucking each other. The stories about anyone else are good with an asterisk: they’re good for what they are, which is stories lacking the most important element. They’re the vegetables you have to eat and at least SAY you enjoy if you want to enjoy the delicious main course and dessert without feeling guilty. [...]

When all the people choosing the ‘best’ stories for a list default to stories about white men, there’s either a problem with the selection of who gets to make Representative Fandom Decisions, or there’s a problem with fandom overall.

The thing that gets me most about this post, though, is the implication that to have amazingly subversive texts your story still needs to feature white men. [32]

Tumblr user sidewaystime added:

Putting together this syllabus and calling them “classics that cover the history, breadth, and depth of the form” and excluding works about women and not featuring characters of color is a CHOICE that was made. To then justify those choices by calling these texts subversive when this whole thing just looks like yet another entry in the long history of giving fandom a pass when it comes to valorizing works featuring white men and ignoring works that do not is just adding insult to that injury. [33]

(Concentrated post of the above discussion here).

On 14 March 2015, there was another ask on Aja's Tumblr which said in part, "If you're not an expert them [sic] why didn't you try to get the author of the article access to more diverse input?" Aja responded:

There were a number of ways I personally tried to broach the subject of making the list more diverse, but I also self-censored because even though a number of the most seminal works of fanfiction for me personally are from femslash or anime fandoms, I thought to myself, ‘oh, but they won’t go for those because they’re not as old, or as popular, or as wide-reaching culturally as some of these other things.’ [34]

This was seen by some commentators as her blaming other people's expectations. (for example). In another post later the same day, Aja wrote:

To everyone reblogging my comment on the NY Mag list with comments like “fuck aja” as though a) I had personal responsibility for the makeup of the list and b) as though it was MY PERSONAL FAULT that the list turned out the way it did, I just want to reiterate that a) femslash was recced during the discussion and still didn’t make it into the final list, and b) I literally said during the discussion that I didn’t think the list was diverse enough. As i said in the last post on this subject, I could have recced more diverse works, and the main reason i didn’t was because the request was for “classic” fics and i was thinking in terms of fics with enormous hit counts from huge fandoms. I am really, really sorry that i didn’t and I take full responsibility for not just reccing more diverse works anyway despite my fear that they weren’t “big” enough. [35]

While the syllabus highlighted a general issue/trend in fandom, many fans considered Aja's responses to be overly deflecting/disingenuous. Impertinence (stopthatimp on Tumblr) reblogged the last post and added:

The meta I saw and reblogged/added commentary to pointed out that the criticism wasn’t only about you, but this one is. Because you, Aja, are the person who is even now implying there is no fic with large hit counts or that’s older that is femslash, about POC, or anything other than white dude fic. You. On this post. You may not be doing it on purpose, but that’s still what you’re doing. And that is what people, myself included, are reacting to. Your words. That you typed, and chose to post to the internet. Your opinions. Your actions. YOU. [36]

Nonnies on F_FA rolled their eyes. A sample comment:

And I love how her [Aja's] first move is to defect blame. "It wasn't my list! I wasn't the only one contributing!" She's so eager to put her name forward when there's good attention, good press, but the moment there's pushback she uses anyone in reach like a human shield. [37]

Tumblr user musicforswimming reblogged and added that she had sent the Ask herself, but had done so anonymously because Aja had blocked her, possibly due to criticism of the article on Andy Blake. [38]


  1. ^ Rainbow Rowell ‏@rainbowrowell, March 2015
  2. ^ yasaman at"MetaFilter". Archived from the original on 2015-03-18., March 2015
  3. ^ @vaginalfantasy @vulture @feliciaday @Kiala @Veronica, Sam Anthea ‏@Sam_it27, March 2015
  4. ^ bookshop, March 11, 2015
  5. ^ jenngeek, March 11, 2015
  6. ^ fairerhousethanprose, March 11, 2015
  7. ^ liz-squids, March 11, 2015
  8. ^ sapphoshands, March 11, 2015
  9. ^ liz-squids, March 11, 2015
  10. ^ marinarusalka, March 11, 2015
  11. ^ Meredith on Tumblr on 11 March 2015. (Accessed 16 March 2015.) (now offline)
  12. ^ gardnerhill, March 11, 2015
  13. ^ camillo1978, March 11, 2015
  14. ^ March 11, 2015, revolutionaryjo
  15. ^ yogi-bogey-box, March 11, 2015
  16. ^ juliusschmidt, March 11, 2015
  17. ^ rashaka, March 11, 2015
  18. ^ doomhamster, March 12, 2015
  19. ^ wowbright, March 12, 2015
  20. ^ exsequar, March 12, 2015
  21. ^ rosie3745, March 12, 2015
  22. ^ [1] by liz-squids by, March 12, 2015
  23. ^ [2] by sqbr, March 12, 2015
  24. ^ genufa, March 12, 2015
  25. ^ starlady38, March 12, 2015
  26. ^ earlgreytea68, March 13, 2015
  27. ^ sqbr, March 13, 2015
  28. ^ birdskirt, March 13, 2015
  29. ^ http://annejamison.tumblr.com/post/113515752932/if-you-want-to-talk-about-something-weird-lets annejamison], March 13, 2015
  30. ^ If You Want to Talk About Something Weird, Let's Talk About Geoducks, Not Fanfiction, Archived version, March 13, 2015
  31. ^ bookshop, March 12, 2015
  32. ^ allofthefeelings, March 12, 2015
  33. ^ sidewaystime, March 12, 2015
  34. ^ bookshop, March 14, 2015
  35. ^ bookshop, March 14, 2015
  36. ^ stopthatimp, March 14, 2015
  37. ^ Wank Collection, March 14, 2015
  38. ^ musicforswimming< March 15, 2015