The Fire Eternal

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Title: The Fire Eternal
Author(s): Marisa Golini
Date(s): sometime before June 1994 (based on a request for this story at
Fandom(s): X-Files
External Links: online here (this story has a July 14, 1994 date)

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The Fire Eternal is an X-Files story by Marisa Golini.

It was posted to sometime before June 1994, and was one of the first stories posted there. See List of Very Early X-Files Fanfiction for similar works.

The introduction to Machine of Intention mentions this story: "Note: Timeline wise, this story occurs after "Gemma" (1 and 2) and before "Sam-I-Am" and the soon to be uploaded "The Fire Eternal". All other stories occur in an alternate time-line in the multiverse."

Author's Summary

After the X-Files shut down (post first-season finale) Mulder convinces Scully to try hypnotic regression to see if they've had a past life together. Scully decided to go along with it -- only because Mulder *dared* her. What unfolds may give us clues as to why our heroes act the way they do. You may be surprised!

Author's Notes

Well, it's time for another Summer X-Files story and this time I wanted to play around with the idea of `past lives.' I've always believed that there's a reason why we meet the people we meet, and why certain people become important in our lives. It is with that in mind that I write this story. Some of my research came from the film _The Burning Times_ directed by Donna Reed for the National Film Board of Canada, and the_Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience_ by Rosemary Guiley. As always, I must thank my DDEB Black Ops partner Patti MacKinnon for all the moral support (in all our lifetimes!) I also have to say thanks to .net personality Jim Poushinsky for letting me use his name for one of the characters. Jim *is* a walking, talking X-File. And thank-you Chris, David and Gillian for an awesome show. Of course, all the usual disclaimers apply. And now...for something completely different...

Reactions and Reviews

"Fire" remains one of my favorite pieces to this day.[1]

Like several others the first story I read was "The Fire Eternal." It blew me away. That's means I've been lurking since the fall of '94.[2]

First story i read was "The Fire Eternal" by Marisa Golini. It's still a sentimental favorite of mine. It was a long time before i found another story that was anywhere near as good.[3]
