Fumbling Towards Ecstasy (X-Files story)

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Title: Fumbling Towards Ecstacy
Author(s): Jenna Tooms
Date(s): Archived on December, 15th 1998
Length: 232K in two parts
Genre(s): MSR (NC-17), AU,
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Author page on Gossamer

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Fumbling Towards Ecstacy is a two-part AU MSR X-Files story by Jenna Tooms.

Reactions and Reviews

Each chapter is named for a song off of the Sarah Maclachlan album of the same name. With M and S alone together in a cabin and an X-Files brewing around them, how can you go wrong? [1]

I've followed Jenna through several name changes, assuming I'd found a new favorite author every time! Instead, it's been the same steady, reliable hand. I love Jenna's grasp on her strong, unabashedly romantic style. 'Fumbling Towards Ecstasy' is still my favorite, but I will confess I've been sucked into something as unique as her Mulder and Scully down through history series, History of Us. Hound her to get going on that ancient Rome story! --bugs[2]


  1. ^ Shippers in eXile -- still here!, May 3, 2002
  2. ^ from Fave X-Files Authors