Noah (Total Drama)

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Name: Noah
Relationships: Cody (Total Drama) (acquaintance)
Alejandro (Total Drama) (enemy)
Owen (Total Drama) (best friend)
Emma (Ridonculous Race) (lover)
Fandom: Total Drama
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Noah is a contestant on Total Drama. He is a prominent character within the series and popular with fans. As of September 2023, he is the most fanwork'd character from Total Drama as a whole on Archive of Our Own. Although other places where fandom lives consider him a popular contestant, it is only in Slash fan circles that he's this prevalent. He's the fandom's resident BSO.

Canon Overview

[characterization, story role, further important appearances]


Popular Tropes & Fanon

In order of how common they are:

All of the above are wrangled tags on Archive of Our Own. Other places where fandom lives may portray Noah with one or all of these attributes. Assistant!Noah and Barista!Noah are also common, though unwrangled.

Assistant! comes from fanworks taking place during Total Drama: Action, where Noah was employed as Chris McLean's assistant. Dead! is likely a catch-all tag for any fanworks taking place during or after Island of the Slaughtered, a popular Darkfic AU which has spawned a notable amount of recursive fanworks. The specific phrase, "Noah of the Waters," is more commonly used than the general Dead! tag for the same reason[1].

In Total Roblox Drama, he is called Nolan. Fans may call him this outside of the Roblox fangame. His appreciation days are October 5th (in Chefhatchet's Appreciation Calendar) and October 1st (in Ace-TD's Mega Character Appreciation List). Noah also won TD Tumblr, a character popularity contest, in 2013.

Subjects of Fannish Interest & Meta


Many argue Noah is queercoded. This is expanded upon in meta[2], and has been noticed by even younger fans without any prior context[3]. This queercoding has also led some fans to believe he is canonically Bisexual[4], though this is not the case.

Anonymous asked:

I like Nemma but like… did they HAVE to put Noah with a woman? It’s disappointing. They took the world’s most gay coded character and made it focus on him falling in love with a girl. It feels unnecessary.[5]

Noah "Sterecra"?

Noah reacting to his fans in-character to the question, what book do you find yourself rereading the most? "Sterecra" is mentioned with the tape reading "Noah S".

Noah's widely accepted Fanon Personal Name, Sterecra, also is controversial. Word of God has stated Noah to be Canadian-Indian, and Sterecra is not an Indian surname. It comes from Total Drama Comeback by The Kobold Necromancer, a very popular fic in the fandom. Total Drama Comeback was written before this information about Noah was revealed publicly. Kobold believed Noah could be Indonesian, though Sterecra may not be an Indonesian last name either. On search engines, the name just brings up results for the Total Drama character. Mudaliar may be used by some fans instead, as that was his last name in Slippery Slopes. Island of the Slaughtered uses Mudaliar while using last names created by Kobold for many of the other contestants.

Sterecra is not a name. It is not an indian surname. It is not an anything surname. It is a name someone made up back in 2008 along with such brilliant and real last names as “batoful” “top” and fucking “waterflower.” Most total drama characters do not have last names. The only ones that do are Harold, Nichelle, Brick, Cameron, Cody, Blaineley, Chris, Chef, Alejandro, Lightning, Dakota, DJ and some characters from RR i’m probably forgetting. Please make your own last name headcanons, there is no such thing as a “noah sterecra.”[6]

"We Don’t Consider Noah to be Gay"?

thefreshchannel, a now deactivated Tumblr account ran by the creators of Total Drama, Fresh TV, is noted as responding with this phrase to a fan's question regarding Noah[7].

[kinkjames asked]
What do you mean you haven't done a gay character for the show yet? Have you seen Noah? x3

~circa 2015

[thefreshchannel-deactivated2018 answered]
We don’t consider Noah to be gay.

~circa 2015

This ask was answered after thefreshchannel responded to another fan's question on Twitter. Because Total Drama was aimed towards a 8-12 age bracket, Fresh answered that it couldn't feature queer characters[8].

Fresh TV @thefreshchannel

@shounenhero It's aimed at kids 8-12. LGBT is still a heavily debated issue for a lot of parents and has become a political topic.

~circa 2015

source n/a, @thefreshchannel has deactivated their Twitter

Both that response and this one caused a kerfuffle in Tumblr's Total Drama fandom. Fans expected better from Fresh TV. This phrase may be referenced in some fan circles regarding Noah.

Despite this 2015 interaction, there would be a same-sex couple in the reboot Total Drama: Island (2023), Bowie/Raj.

"Noah Really Gets Around"?

Terry McGurrin, an executive producer for the Total Drama series who frequently interacts with fans, is noted as saying this on Twitter in response to a question regarding Alejandro/Noah[9]. The phrase, "Noah [really] gets around," is sometimes parroted in Total Drama fan circles.

[Twitter User #1]
@standupmonkey thoughts on them if you can?

3:42 AM · Apr 27, 2023

[Fanlore Editor's Note: included in this Tweet is a still frame of Total Drama: World Tour where Alejandro and Noah are looking at each other.]

[Terry McGurrin @standupmonkey]
One thing I’ve recently learned is that, according to Total Drama Island fans, Noah really gets around. 😳 Well as long as he’s being honest, respectful and cautious, there’ll be no judgment coming from me. 😂

3:55 AM · Apr 27, 2023

[Twitter User #2]
what do you mean "noah really gets around"?

7:35 AM · Apr 27, 2023

[Terry McGurrin @standupmonkey]
I just mean that Noah has been shipped with almost every single other Total Drama character by the fans.

3:29 PM · Apr 27, 2023


This is purposefully an incomplete list, as Noah is shipped with much of Total Drama's cast.

With... Full Label Type Portmanteau Information
Cody Cody/Noah Slash NoCo; Nody (Seen on its page.)
Cody Cody & Noah Gen n/a (Seen on its page.)
Alejandro; Cody Alejandro/Cody/Noah Poly Alenoco Brings Alejandro into Cody/Noah; Brings Cody into Alejandro/Noah.
Izzy Izzy/Noah Het Nizzy (Seen on its page.)
Izzy Izzy & Noah Gen n/a They were both on Team Chris in World Tour.
Owen Noah & Owen Gen n/a (Seen on its page.)
Owen Noah/Owen Slash Nowen (Seen on its page.)
Alejandro Alejandro/Noah Slash Alenoah (Seen on its page.)
Alejandro Alejandro & Noah Gen n/a (Seen on its page.)
Emma Emma/Noah Het Nemma (Seen on its page.)
Emma Emma & Noah Gen n/a Works may focus on their potential friendship over their canonical romance.
Eva; Izzy Team E-Scope Gen n/a (Seen on its page.)
Bridgette Bridgette/Noah Het Nodgette Had a scene of ship-tease during World Tour.
Dawn Dawn/Noah Het Nawn The two have similar personalities. Dawn is from Total Drama: Revenge of the Island.
Heather Heather/Noah Het Noather This ship has fallen out of popularity, but it was once Noah's most popular pairing on YouTube.
Heather Heather & Noah Gen n/a (Seen on its page.)
Gwen Gwen/Noah Het Gwoah Somewhat common for canon divergent AUs of World Tour.
Gwen Gwen & Noah Gen n/a (Seen on its page.)
Duncan Duncan/Noah Slash Dunno; Dunnoah (Seen on its page.)
Duncan Duncan & Noah Gen n/a They were both on Team Chris in World Tour, though essentially not at the same time.
Justin Justin/Noah Slash Justoah Noah is one of two Male characters seen finding Justin attractive, the other being Owen.
Justin Justin & Noah Gen n/a n/a
Courtney Courtney/Noah Het Nourtney A rarepair despite both characters being popular.
Courtney Courtney & Noah Gen n/a n/a
Katie Katie/Noah Het Notie (Seen on its page.)
Lindsay Lindsay/Noah Het Noasay Opposites Attract. Noah is considered smart while Lindsay is not.
Sierra Noah/Sierra Het Noerra; Sioah Noah and Cody, Sierra's canonical crush, are similarly sized.
Sierra Noah & Sierra Gen n/a Fanworks may have them both after Cody's affection.
Eva Eva/Noah Het Neva; Nova Opposites Attract. Noah hates sports while Eva loves working out.
Eva Eva & Noah Gen n/a n/a
Trent Noah/Trent Slash Troah; Trenoah Total Drama BNF AyaWilliams likes this pairing.
Dave Dave/Noah Slash Nove; Doah Dave is from Total Drama: Pahkitew Island.
Tyler Noah/Tyler Slash Tynoah; Nyler Opposites Attract. Noah dislikes sports and sassy, Tyler is a sports junkie and honest.
Chris McLean Chris McLean & Noah Gen n/a n/a
Alejandro; Duncan Alejandro/Duncan/Noah Poly Aledunno Brings Alejandro into Duncan/Noah. May 14th is Aledunno Day on Chefhatchet's Appreciation Calendar.
Alejandro; Heather Alejandro/Heather/Noah Poly Alenoaheather (Seen on its page.)
Tyler Noah & Tyler Gen n/a They were both on Team Chris in World Tour.
Anonymous asked:

A lot of you may not believe me. Hell, this might just be my memory blowing things out of proportion. But I swear to god, before Alejandro, the default ship on YouTube was Heather x Noah.

Now, to be fair, these were all parts of videos that contained art of edits of canonical couples (Duncney, Gwent, etc). So 1) this could have just been part of a small shipping corner on TD YouTube way back when and 2) this was most likely just a bunch of tweens/teens on YouTube going "Well, we gotta ship Heather with SOMEONE!".

But it was prevalent. I was there! I was there...

real-total-drama-takes replied:

#total drama#td heather#td noah#no i remember that#noather[10]

tylerthirst asked:

ikr 🙄 alenoah stans are so toxic.. once upon a time i said that i preferred noerra over alenoah and then they litchrelly doxxed me and broke into my house to fill it with feral honey badgers. when i went back to my ransacked home i realized they spray painted their sinful alenoah art all over the walls 😩 they think that they’re better then other td fans because they ship “smart sophisticated” characters together but in reality they’re just as cringe as the rest of us 😐💯[11]

Example/Notable Fanac

In 2011, Carter Hayden, Noah's English voice actor, was interviewed by fans on Dramatic Static, a Tapatalk forum for the show, in an Interview with Carter Hayden - The Voice of Noah.

Fan Communities/Fan Events


Fan Art

Fan Fic

Fan Comics

General Fanworks

Fan Vids



References/Further Reading