Queensguard Series

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Title: Queensguard series
Author(s): aramuin
Date(s): 2009-2011
Length: ~184,000 words (entire series)
Genre(s): RPS, AU
Fandom(s): J2, Kradam
External Links: Complete Queensguard (PDF, ePub, mobi)

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The Queensguard is a series of RPS J2 and Kradam AU stories written by aramuin. The first two stories were written as part of the Supernatural J2 Big Bang and the third was written for the kradambigbang challenge.

In 2010, the first two stories were translated into Russian by evenover. A copy of the Queensguard translation is archived here.

Sometime after 2011, the series was taken offline by the author in an attempt to publish it as original fiction. The complete series is still available at the author's journal as a download in PDF, ePub and mobi format. The PDF is 567 pages long and includes the fanart.

Stories in the series

  • Queensguard - J2 (2009)
  • Queensguard: The Knight's Gambit - J2 (2010)
  • Queensguard: Adjournment - Kradam (2010)
  • Queensguard: Interdiction - Kradam (2011)


  • Welcome To The IDF
  • Double Bluff
  • Learning Curve
  • What Will You Do Today?
  • When Adam figures out what Kris is

Random WIPS

  • Five Things Jared Never Knew About Dragons, And One Thing Jensen Never Told Him:
  • Shedding
  • Sunshine
  • Socializing
  • Sex
  • Shortcoming
  • The One Thing Jensen Never Told Him[1]



"The fifth season of Supernatural, CW's paranormal drama, is scheduled for a return to our screens in autumn. Show creator Eric Kripke is reported to be "thrilled" with the news that show stars, Jared Padelecki and Jensen Ackles, have confirmed they'll be returning as brothers Dean and Sam Winchester. CW sources confirm that shooting is due to start soon with the first episode due to air on September 20th, 2012." It's been nearly three years since the war against the alien race known as the Others changed the world and nearly four months since they were beaten back by Earth's natural superweapons, the dragons. Jared's looking forward to reconnecting with his best friend and picking up life where he left off. It doesn't seem much to ask but after three years, how much has really changed? And are the secrets Jensen's hiding better left alone?"[2]

The Knight's Gambit:

"The world changes a lot in four years. The year is 2013. Jared and Jensen have just finished shooting Season 5 of Supernatural and are looking forward to their first hiatus together. But in a world post-alien invasion where pyschic powers are as common as brown eyes and people can turn into dragons, nothing is ever that simple. All across America, dragons are being attacked, even killed. It isn't the Others but with this new threat looming, can Jared and Jensen figure it out before Jensen is the one in a sniper's cross-hairs?"[3]


"New relationships are hard enough when it's just two guys against the world. Falling for his best friend/War veteran/telepathic-dragon is the best and worst thing that's ever happened but however much Adam loves Kris, he's starting to worry that it won't be enough."[4]



[For the story]: "Sounds like crack fic right? IT'S NOT. *insert painfully confused face here* IT'S REALLY GOOD! *is flabbergasted* There is politics about how the dragon force was used to fend off the alien attack and how they have a non partisan stance and how some people think of them as not having rights and and and !!!! It's just so weird *flails* and not what one expects to find when searching out j2 fics. Also near the last third of the fic it goes on to describe how the dragons carry riders and how they fight in a battle with humans and !!! I don't want to spoil it too much because it just slowly unfurls into this great unexpected thing of awesome-sauce. The pretty fan art didn't hurt at all either."[5]

{For the story]"I love stories that take a leap out of the stratosphere. The concept really drew me in, I loved the artwork, the characters, the world building, and my only complaint is that there isn't more. I had a blast reading this story. Plus there were DRAGONS!!!!"[6]

[For the story]:"I've spent the day reading like a crazy person to try to catch up, and I absolutely have to recommend... Queensguard....This is an absolutely wonderful AU, set a few years in the future. Jared and Jensen are finally working on Supernatural again, as the world slowly gets on its feet again after an alien invasion that was only foiled by a hidden population that Earth didn't even know it had until the invasion: dragons. As the season's filming progresses, Jared gradually learns more about what really happened in the war, and how it changed Jensen. I really loved the slow, gradual reveal about the war itself, and the progression of Jared and Jensen's relationship was fantastic. Plus, DRAGONS!"[7]

[For the podfic]: "Alright, so. I made the mistake of downloading this last night and starting to listen to it before I crawled into bed (at a really late hour already). At 2AM I finally managed to force myself to turn it off and the first thing I did in the morning was press play so that I could listen while getting ready for work. THIS IS AMAZING. Thank you so much for introducing me to a story I probably never would have come across if not for your help. I don't know how you guys managed to organize this multi-reader format, but it really worked. I loved listening to new voices announcing the news, giving interviews, etc. And I think I seriously got the chills during the Queens' Proclamation. You all did such a great job!"[8]

[For the podfic]: "Wow! It's breath taking! Almost cinematic! I can totally imagine the scenes listening to your fic. Really appreciate the work!"[9]

[On the Russian translation]:"evenover, спасибо вам за эти волшебные часы, пока я читала, не в силах оторваться от монитора. Макси в переводах огромная редкость, а тут такое чудо. Невероятный фик и громадный труд переводчика."[10]

[For the art by inanna_maat - see below]:"I LOVE the colours, textures and your style of making graphics. These look very intense and vivid! Just so very beautiful!"[11]

[For the art - see below]:"de momento no puedo decir nada, mi cerebro se ha colapsado...ya sabes que me encantaba la del ojo del dragón reflejado en la espada y he flipado con el periódico y la de la cara de sam en grande de fondo, pero de momento no puedo hacer mas declaraciones, me voy a orgasmar a otro sitio..."[12]

[For the art by inanna_maat - see below]:"My favorites are the wallpapers 2 & 3 and the headers 2 & 4. I love those wallpapers because of the texture and the way their faces with the intense stares flow into those strange pieces of dragons. And the headers are awesome because of that sword with the eye thing. The way everything stares at me is just intense. I've been trying for a few minutes to really pick a real number one, and it was a toss up between the two wallpapers, but we have a winner... tadamtadam... the Jared-one! The one with Jensen is just a bit to light in the upper middle, and that one with Jared is just really really perfect. I'm thinking I'm going to use it for a while, which I haven't done with fanart before. So really awesome work!!"[13]

[For the art by inanna_maat - see below]:"There's so much depth and texture to all of these. I loved coming across them throughout the fic; they fit so seamlessly with the story.

Also, I loved how they completely sparked my imagination. I think it's because there is so much there in your artwork, but you've also left so much that is vague or abstract - my imagination goes into overdrive! They add so much to the world of the story.

Thank you so much for sharing these. They are utterly gorgeous!"[14]

For the art by inanna_maat - see below]:"Que bonitos y bien hechos estos trabajos de arte, me parecen geniales, con colores y tonos maravillosos, parecen posters, los pondría en mis paredes, mi hija estudia diseño gráfico y he visto que no es fácil hacerlos.Te felicito.Gracias por compartir tu arte y tu talento."[15]

Knight's Gambit

[For the art by naisica - see below]:"I loved this; the mood, the colours and the way Jared's standing closer. It's awesome and fantastic and it suits the story perfectly."[16]

[For the art by naisica - see below]:"...love the coloring and Dean's slightly bow-legged stance.[17]

[For the art - see below]:"...Wonderful work. I love the colours, building of the entire landscape, and use of text."[18]


[For the art - see below]:"I don't usually comment on artwork (for no particular reason), but these pieces compelled me to take action. All of them fit the story perfectly and are beautiful in their own right. My favorite image is of Allison and the salt shaker ~ I love the motion of the salt. The image of Kris and Adam back-to-back (last one) is a very, very close second ~ from a non-artist standpoint, it's obvious that time and skill was spent on it. Simply gorgeous!"[19]

[For the art - see below]:"These are gorgeous. I love your mixture of dragon influences, and that shot you chose of Adam for the "How about saving the fucking world?" piece is so brilliantly defensive! I love it aaaaaaaaaaaaall![20]

[For the art - see below]:"The poster was beautiful, the shades and textures were so apt to the mood of the fic; dark but hopeful and awesome."[21]

[For the art - see below]:"These are gorgeous! Majestic, sweeping, perfect for this dragon-filled universe!"[22]

Fanworks Inspired By The Series


This header for Queensguard series was reused for the podbook cover. Art by inanna_maat.





  1. ^ Source: spnstoryfinders post dated April 30th, 2013.
  2. ^ announcement post dated July 10, 2009; WebCite.
  3. ^ announcement post dated July 2, 2010; WebCite.
  4. ^ announcement post dated July 27, 2011; WebCite.
  5. ^ rec post dated Jan 28, 2010; webCite.
  6. ^ rec post dated Aug 12, 2009.
  7. ^ rec post dated July 13, 2009.
  8. ^ podfic announcement post dated March 23, 2010; Archive.is link.
  9. ^ podfic announcement post dated March 23, 2010; WebCite.
  10. ^ translation post dated Aug 27, 2010.
  11. ^ comment in the art announcement post dated July 2009; WebCite.
  12. ^ comment on page 1 of the art announcement post dated July 2009; Archive.is link.
  13. ^ comment on page 1 of the art announcement post dated July 2009; Archive.is link.
  14. ^ comment on page 2 of the announcement post dated July 2009; WebCite; Archive.is link.
  15. ^ comment on page 3 of the announcement post dated July 2009; WebCite;Archive.is link.
  16. ^ comment in the announcement post dated July 2010; webCite.
  17. ^ comment in the announcement post dated July 2010; Archive.is link.
  18. ^ comment in the announcement post dated July 2010.
  19. ^ comment in the art announcement post dated July 31, 2001; Archive.is link.
  20. ^ comment in the art announcement post dated July 31, 2001; Archive.is link
  21. ^ comment in the art announcement post dated July 31, 2001; link
  22. ^ comment in the art announcement post dated July 31, 2001; link
  23. ^ FanMix WebCite; Fanmix Archive.is link.
  24. ^ WebCite; Archive.is link for Alexandra135's cover.
  25. ^ webCite; Archive.is link for Alexandra135's cover.
  26. ^ WebCite for Knights Gambit, art by lismar
  27. ^ WebCite for Katekat.