The RS-X Archive

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Name: The RS-X Archive
Date(s): 2000-2003 (last update)
Founder: Sofie Werkers and Joanne
Fandom: RPS
URL: (Wayback)

; earlier version; RS-X (Yahoo! Group)
screencap of the last updates
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The RS-X Archive is the archive of the RS-X mailing list, which is an offshoot of the RareSlash mailing list.

The RS-X mailing list was founded January 26, 2000, after much discussion on the Rareslashmailing list regarding whether or not RPS should be allowed to be posted to RareSlash.

RS-X was a central pivot point for a lot of Actorfic activity during the early 2000s.

Submission Guidelines

We only accept new stories in fandoms that do not have a specific archive yet. If a fandom has an archive, we will only accept stories with rare pairings. (The definition of "rare" pairings can be found here.)

Stories that were submitted before a fandom aqcuired [sic] an archive or a pairing became officially non-rare will stay archived, unless they are also archived at the fandom archive. Said archive will then of course be linked from this site.

Stories will only be accepted when submitted in the body of an email. Attachments will not be accepted, even if they are a .txt file.

Stories will only be accepted with the following header:

Fandom: (Full name! No abbreviations, please.)
Pairing: (Please use the full name, both first and last names.)
Archive: (Either "Yes to RS-X," or "Yes to list archives." If I have to ask for permission, it doesn't get archived.)
Email: (Your email will not be put on your story unless it is in the email body!)
Disclaimer: (This should say something to the likes of "I'm not claiming this really happened. It's all pure fiction." This must be there, or I will not archive your story.)
Warnings: (See below.)

Warnings are compulsory for rape/non-con and underage sex. If you don't want to spoil your story, use a general "disturbing themes" warning.

Please make sure the story looks okay in the email -- i.e. no strange formatting, no "smart quotes" turned into odd characters, no stories in one big paragraph, no indents (use blank lines to seperate [sic] paragraphs, please), etc.

If you've done all that, send the story to [email protected]. [1]

The Site's Definition of Rare Pairings

A RealPeopleSlash fandom or pairing is no longer considered rare if more than three writers are writing the fandom/pairing and there are more than ten stories for them. If you're not sure if your story is considered rare or not, please ask onlist, and we'll be glad to vote on it. :)[2]

Archives Linked from The RS-X Archive

Other Sites Linked

  • Savage Dreams: Fisky's site. Savage Garden slash.
  • Taylor Jameson Presents...Slash!: Tay's site. Whose Line, assorted FPS, and an exclusive Matt/Trey fic.
  • U2Bubblegum: A list for U2 slash writers and readers. Email Boa to request a subscription.


  1. ^ How to submit your story, via Wayback: 12 August 2002. (Accessed 08 January 2012)
  2. ^ The definition of "rare" pairings, via Wayback: 12 August 2002. (Accessed 08 January 2012)