The Fifth Element

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Name: The Fifth Element
French title: Le Cinquième Élément
Creator: Luc Besson
Date(s): 7 May 1997
Medium: live-action film
Country of Origin: France
External Links: Wikipedia, official website
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The Fifth Element (French title: Le Cinquième Élément) is a 1997 English-language French science fiction action film. It stars Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman and Milla Jovovich.


Mostly set in the 23rd century, the film's central plot involves the survival of planet Earth, which becomes the responsibility of Korben Dallas, a taxicab driver and former special forces major, after a young woman falls into his cab. Dallas joins forces with her to recover four mystical stones essential for the defense of Earth against an impending attack.


Korben Dallas/Leeloo is the main pairing in the fandom.



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