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Pairing: Duncan (Total Drama)/Zoey (Total Drama)
Alternative name(s): n/a
Gender category: Het
Fandom: Total Drama
Canonical?: Fanon
Prevalence: Uncommon
Archives: n/a
Other: n/a
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Duncan/Zoey, known mostly as Doey, is is an uncommon pairing within Total Drama fandom. The ship is between Duncan and Zoey, both prominent characters. While Duncan has appeared in every season up to Total Drama: All-Stars, Zoey has only appeared in Total Drama: Revenge of the Island and All-Stars.

The pairing was earnestly shipped on Tumblr during 2013 and 2014 by many BNFs in the fandom, and during this time it was popular. This came about due to somewhat of a ship war/fannish shift for Duncan pairings happening at the time:

  • Duncan/Gwen was canonical and popular, though it had, "run its course," with some fans and others had never liked it because it became canonical after a cheating plotline during Total Drama: World Tour. They also broke up on the show during All-Stars.
  • Duncan/Noah was popular with the same BNF group that pimped Duncan/Zoey, but rare elsewhere and was slash.
  • Courtney/Duncan, the closest the fandom has to a juggernaut ship, was waning in popularity and appeared somewhat irrelevant for the first time in the fandom's history.

As a way to wean Zoey off of the canonical Mike/Zoey, which pairs her with Mike and was disliked by many fans at the time, the ship was born and developed from there. By the time All-Stars finished airing in late 2014, the scene had cooled down and the pairing faded into obscurity. As of 2024, the ship is relatively unknown, even on Tumblr. It's largely seen in a negative light[1] and an artifact of when Mike had a hatedom, the fandom's shipping scene on Tumblr predominantly cared about Het couples, and when it revolved around a handful of BNFs.

Common Tropes

  • Bad Boy x Good Girl: Many fanworks focused on Duncan introducing Zoey to, "bad boy," things such as smoking and graffiti.
  • Anti-Mike: Some fanworks focus on Zoey breaking up with Mike due to his mental disorder/Mal in general. This was seen as ableist by some fans, including other Duncan/Zoey shippers.

Duncan/Zoey Fandom

Former BNFs for Duncan/Zoey fandom include chickenmcnuggie and other "td populars."

November 25th is Doey Day on Chefhatchet's Appreciation Calendar.

Pairing Names for Duncan/Zoey

Their primary and only known portmanteau pairing name is "Doey."

Example/Notable Fanac

Fan Communities/Fan Events

Fan Art

Fan Songs

Fan Mixes


References/Further Reading