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See also: Hannibal (TV series), Fullerverse
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Fannibal is the name that fans of Hannibal, the TV series based on Thomas Harris' books Red Dragon and Hannibal, have given themselves. It's a portmanteau consisting of the name of the show and the word fan. Originally only used by the TV show fans, it may also refer to people who are only fan of the books, the movies or the show - or all of the above.


The term probably first appeared in relation the the tv show on tumblr and/or twitter around April 2013.[1] The Hannibal fandom emerged more or less over night on these platform as soon as the show began airing on April 4, 2013.


Eat The Rude is the motto of the fannibals. Rude is also a popular catch phrase and hashtag in the fandom. It's based on Hannibal Lecters disdain for rude people and behaviour which will lead for people to end up in Hannibal's recipe book.

