A Farm in Iowa 'Verse

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Title: A Farm in Iowa 'Verse
Author(s): sheafrotherdon
Date(s): 2006 - 2015
Length: 164,540 words in 44 parts
Genre(s): slash, m/m
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: A Farm in Iowa 'Verse at AO3

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A Farm in Iowa 'Verse is a John/Rodney series by sheafrotherdon. The first part is A Farm in Iowa.


An AU in which John inherits a farm, Rodney ends up entirely out of his element and there is much ado about baseball.

Reactions and Reviews


Stargate Atlantis with a few McShep (McKay/Sheppard) AU fics - and that got me hooked.

I'd have to say that my real OTP is McKay/Sheppard.


Because I'm all about AU, they make up a large amount of the stories I save [...] on my iPad. sheafrotherdon's "Iowa 'verse" is probably at the top of the list - everyone knows it and everyone loves it.[1]

[Valentine Wheeler]

It segues from first meeting to falling in love to domesticity galore including a child or two. Familiar characters make appearances, some in very amusing ways and there are some wonderful original characters. All is not perfect, of course and issues are dealt with, communication is attempted and much love is always present. There is also loads of humor running through the series. I laugh out loud when reading it and it always makes me smile. This is my go-to fic when I need to get out of a bad mood. I do think this is my most favorite SGA fic ever.

She also has miscellaneous stories in this ‘verse collected under Farm in Iowa Apocrypha. There is a Farm in Iowa master list at her LJ, but it has not been updated recently. However, there are some works by other authors in the 'verse listed, some fan art and a few podfic.

They reach for each other again in the grey half-light of dawn – slow where they’d been frantic; patient where they’d rushed heedlessly before. John falls asleep to the brush of Rodney’s fingertips against his cheek.[2]


  1. ^ "Fandoms, represent! : SlashFanfiction". 2013-09-23. Archived from the original on 2022-03-23.
  2. ^ "SGA Author Appreciation! - God Luck Spiders". 2015-05-17. Archived from the original on 2022-03-23.