Crystal Magic

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Title: Crystal Magic
Author(s): Lainie Stone
Date(s): 1985 or before
Length: 30kb or 15 typewritten pages
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Professionals
External Links: on the prosLib CD

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Crystal Magic is a Professionals story by Lainie Stone. The author wrote a sequel to the story called "Kitchen Magic."

It is a story on The 1985 Hatstand Express Top Ten Lists.


"Told from B's point of view. B&D drive into a village of witches. B, still unaware of D's power and of magic, has an affair with a woman from a bookstore, while D does the same with a friend of hers. They celebrate Beltane, and B&D see the God that sanctions their union - they can finally acknowledge their till then in expressed but mutual love. B wants to learn about magic, too. They get back to London happy."[1]

Reactions and Reviews

Well, I like this one for a couple of reasons: It was dedicated to me, it was adapted from my work and it stars yours truly In a wonderful role...ahem.[2] do have to look at the two stories [referring to "Kitchen Magic"] as two halves of a whole. Same comments apply as to CAT-TALES.. .with the added enjoyment of seeing myself and Jean represented in a story. (I'm Windsong, she's Rowan). (Foxglove can identify herself.) [3]


  1. ^ The Professionals Online LibraryTitle List: C summary by Cassie.
  2. ^ from The Hatstand Express #7
  3. ^ In The Hatstand Express #6 from a fan listing what was supposed to be her top 10 Pros stories; the list turned out to be 50 stories long