Letters From War

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Title: Letters From War
Author(s): hunnyfresh
Length: 213,991
Genre(s): femslash
Fandom(s): Once Upon a Time (TV series)
External Links: Dear Taylor at Goodreads (the novel Letters From War was reworked into)
Minimalist posters by lenaluthor (2014)

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Letters From War was a popular Swan Queen story written by hunnyfresh. It was later taken down as the author reworked the fic into an original novel, becoming an example of Filing Off The Serial Numbers.


Emma is a soldier on reserve in Fort Benning. Regina is the Mayor of Storybrooke. Through a pen pal program designed to ease the ache of homesick soldiers, Emma and Regina begin sending letters to one another as their relationship grows from cordial acquaintance to something neither woman would have expected - until the letters stop coming.

Reactions and Reviews

It took me a while to convince myself to read this one - at the time I didn’t think that it would be suited to my taste. I will shamelessly admit that I was very much wrong. Not only does this author create an utterly believeable alternate universe, the narrative and characterisation itself is flawless, and believe me, you won’t regret reading this. [1]

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  1. ^ [1]