List of Golden Sun Relationship Names

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List of relationship names
FandomGolden Sun
Name type(s)(Keyword)shipping
Other lists of relationship names on Fanlore.

In the Golden Sun fandom, shipping is very popular. There are a large number of pairing names in the form "___shipping," à la animanga fandoms such as Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh!. The most common pairings are listed below. Additional pairings can be found at the Golden Sun Universe wiki: Shipping article.

The original list of "shipping names" was started by fan writer Isaac says Booga and was posted on a number of different Golden Sun fansites, such as Triad Sanctuary. Progressively, various other fans began coining their own pairing names, and the list grew. Due to Isaac says Booga's early influence, many pairing names are somewhat comical:

Sure, many of the names may be unorthodox, but remember, for a long time GS was a fandom with as much humor in it as anything else. Though admittedly, it was always quite romance-heavy as well. Isaac Says Booga was one of those comedy writers, so a lot of those names are extensions of his sense of humor. And believe it or not, most of those names have basis in something as well. Usually to older fanfictions by various authors. So most of them aren't completely random. Trust me, they make sense if you get the references.[1]

Golden Sun & The Lost Age Pairings

"Shipping" Name Characters (English) Characters (Japanese) Other Names Gender Category
Alephshipping Alex x The Wise One Arekusu x Wiseman
(Arekusu x Waizuman)
m/m slash
Aquashipping Piers x Mia Picard x Mary
(Pikādo x Mearī)
m/f het
Blazeshipping Alex x Jenna Arekusu x Jasmine
(Arekusu x Jasumin)
Zitshipping, Simmershipping m/f het
Bouldershipping Kyle x Dora Dolly x Keanie m/f het
Closetshipping Ivan x Felix Ivan x Garcia
(Iwan x Garcia)
m/m slash
Cookieshipping Piers x Sheba Picard x Sheba
(Pikādo x Shiba)
m/f het
Duskshipping Felix x Karst Garcia x Karst
(Garcia x Kāsuto)
m/f het
Earthshipping Isaac x Felix Robin x Garcia m/m slash
Ferretshipping Felix x Garet Garcia x Gerald
(Garcia x Jerarudo)
m/m slash
Flameshipping Garet x Jenna Gerald x Jasmine
(Jerarudo x Jasumin)
Burnshipping, Jennet m/f het
Gardenshipping Mia x Kay Meari x Kay f/f femslash
Gladiatorshipping Sean x Ouranos Shion x Uranus m/m slash
Goldenringshipping Felix x Feizhi Garcia x Kouran m/f het
Hotplasmashipping Ivan x Jenna Ivan x Jasmine
(Iwan x Jasumin)
Burnshipping m/f het
Imiliveroshipping Alex x Sheba Arekusu x Sheba
(Arekusu x Shiba)
m/f het
Imilshipping Alex x Mia Arekusu x Mary
(Arekusu x Mearī)
m/f het
Izzyshipping Isaac x Sheba Robin x Sheba
(Robin x Shiba)
Ashshipping m/f het
Jokershipping Garet x Feizhi Gerald x Kouran
(Jerarudo x Kouran)
m/f het
Ketchupshipping Piers x Jenna Picard x Jasmine
(Pikādo x Jasumin)
Hotspringshipping m/f het
Laundryshipping Garet x Dora Gerald x Keanie
(Jerarudo x Keanie)
m/f het
Lavashipping Isaac x Garet Robin x Gerald
(Robin x Jerarudo)
m/m slash
Lighthouseshipping Felix x Sheba Garcia x Sheba
(Garcia x Shiba)
Catfoodshipping m/f het
Magmashipping Garet x The Wise One Gerald x Wiseman
(Jerarudo x Waizuman)
m/m slash
Moonlightshipping Mia x Jenna Mary x Jasmine
(Mearī x Jasumin)
Icyhotshipping, Pureaurashipping f/f femslash
Mudshipping Isaac x Mia Robin x Mary
(Robin x Mearī)
Issia m/f het
Oldersiblingshipping Felix x Kay Garcia x Kay m/f het
Oopsiesshipping Felix x Jenna Garcia x Jasmine
(Garcia x Jasumin)
m/f het (incest)
Porcelainshipping Felix x Alex Garcia x Arekusu m/m slash
Proxshipping Saturos x Menardi Satyuros x Menadi
(Satyurosu x Menadi)
m/f het
Puretortureshipping Ivan x Mia Ivan x Mary
(Iwan x Mearī)
Mistshipping m/f het
Purpleshipping Ivan x Feizhi Ivan x Kouran
(Iwan x Kouran)
m/f het
Roofshipping Isaac x The Roof of His House Fifty shades of hay Crack ship
Sandstormshipping Isaac x Ivan Robin x Ivan
(Robin x Iwan)
Glassshipping m/m slash
Softshipping Felix x Mia Garcia x Mary
(Garcia x Mearī)
Frothshipping m/f het
Spikeydomeshipping Garet x Sheba Gerald x Sheba
(Jerarudo x Shiba)
Hotwindshipping m/f het
Steamshipping Garet x Mia Gerald x Mary
(Jerarudo x Mearī)
Miret m/f het
Stockholmshipping Felix x Menardi Garcia x Menadi m/f het
Strawberryshipping Sheba x Jenna Sheba x Jasmine
(Shiba x Jasumin)
f/f femslash
Sunshipping Alex x Isaac Arekusu x Robin m/m slash
Swampshipping Felix x Piers Garcia x Picard
(Garcia x Pikādo)
m/m slash
Tragedyshipping Piers x Karst Picard x Karst
(Pikādo x Kāsuto)
m/f het
Valeshipping Isaac x Jenna Robin x Jasmine
(Robin x Jasumin)
Jensac, Isenna m/f het
Weirdshipping Isaac x Feizhi Robin x Kouran m/f het
Windshipping Ivan x Sheba Ivan x Sheba
(Iwan x Shiba)
Shevan m/f het
Xianshipping Hsu x Feizhi Ulmuch x Kouran m/f het

Dark Dawn Pairings

"Shipping" Name Characters (English) Characters (Japanese) Other Names Gender Category
Alchemywellshipping Alex x Veriti Arekusu x Owapah Truthshipping m/f het
Blizzardshipping Rief x Sveta Crown x Stella
(Kuraun x Stella)
m/f het
Cardshipping Blados x Chalis Spade x Heart m/f het
Celestialshipping Amiti x Himi Harumani x Himi Divineshipping, Shrineshipping m/f het
Creepershipping Eoleo x Karis Leoleo x Karis m/f het
Dawnshipping Matthew x Karis Mut x Karis m/f het
Goldenheavenshipping Amiti x Karis Harumani x Karis Stormshipping m/f het
Growthshipping Matthew x Himi Mut x Himi m/f het
Hotdogshipping Eoleo x Sveta Leoleo x Stella m/f het
Hurricaneshipping Amiti x Sveta Harumani x Stella m/f het
Sailingshipping Piers x Nowell Picard x Noble
(Pikādo x Noble)
m/f het
Scarletshipping Tyrell x Himi Terry x Himi m/f het
Seveneyeshipping Rief x Himi Crown x Himi
(Kuraun x Himi)
m/f het
Sinshipping Eoleo x Himi Leoleo x Himi m/f het
Singeshipping Tyrell x Sveta Terry x Stella Crimsonshipping m/f het
Sparkshipping Tyrell x Karis Terry x Karis m/f het
Spiritshipping Matthew x Sveta Mut x Stella Apolloshipping, Soulshipping m/f het
Stormshipping Karis x Sveta Karis x Stella Zephyrshipping f/f femslash
Tiarashipping Rief x Karis Crown x Karis
(Kuraun x Karis)
LuckyNerdShipping m/f het


  1. ^ Triad Orion. Comment on a news post at GSFFA. 28 February 2006. (Accessed 05 December 2011.)