Amantes de la Noche

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Title: Amantes de la Noche (Lovers of the Night)
Publisher: Anime House Press
Editor(s): Marg Baskin
Date(s): 1996-1997
Series?: yes
Medium: print
Genre: het
Fandom: Forever Knight
Language: English
External Links:
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Amantes de la Noche (Lovers of the Night) is a het Forever Knight fanzine focusing on the third season, particularly Javier Vachon and Tracy Vetter.

Issue 1

Amantes de la Noche (Lovers of the Night) 1 was published in 1996 and has 185 pages. Cover and interior art by Heather Bruton.

"Some of the stories in this zine contain sexual themes and violence, and are intended for mature readers. Please include an age statement when ordering."

front cover of issue #1, Heather Bruton
back cover of issue #1, Heather Bruton
flyer for issue #1

From the editorial:

The idea for this zine, and a companion volume which will (hopefully) be out next year. came about at MediaWestCon 1996, when I went on a search for third-season Forever Knight fanfic (okay, for Vachon and Tracy fanfic), and managed to find a grand total of one, count 'em one, story I hadn't either written myself or already read on the Net. This struck me as a dreadful situation, so I decided to have a shot at correcting it.

Fanzine editors these days are wildly divided on how to treat fanfic which has previously appeared on the Internet. As a fanzine reader, I have a strong preference for seeing it either kept to itself or at least, clearly labelled as "reprint". On more than one occasion, I've purchased a fanzine, settled down to read it. and discovered to my dismay that I've already read half or more of the material. Therefore, as a fanzine editor, I've elected to split my materia! into two separate categories and zines. The zine you're holding contains only stories which have been published electronically on FKFIC-L (the Forever Knight fanfic mailing list) or an Internet mailing loop for fans of Vachon. I hope to also publish a companion zine, The Company of Night, which will contain nothing but first-run material.

These stories are some of my personal favorites from the wealth of FK fanfic which has appeared on-line over the past year or so. They all focus on the new supporting characters introduced in third season—Javier Vachon, Tracy Vetter, Urs and Screed—though some also feature, or give equal time to, the established main cast I tried to select an interesting mixture of styles—from character vignette to plot-driven adventure—and tones—from dark-and-nasty to comedy relief. So, herein you'll find a comedy which "fixes" the end of the series, and a tragedy which doesn't. A dark and compelling vision of an alternate time line, and a coupl of wacky, up-beat tales which shoot off in all directions. Probes into the working of th characters' minds, and speculations on their pasts and their relationships. Generally, a very mixed bag, which is how I like it.

What passes for "continuity" in Forever Knight as broadcast is at best very loose, and at worst openly and concretely self-contradictory, which results in a wide range of persona interpretations of its rules and limits. This makes for a fascinating, if sometimes wild, ride. You may not agree that everything you find here fits within the boundaries of "canon", but hopefully you'll find it all enjoyable. (I know I didn't—and did.)

To reiterate the warning on the first page of this zine, some of these stories deal with themes and situations intended for mature readers. As you read through, you'll encounter some lovely, up-beat erotica, some sexual content of a darker nature, and a certain amount o violence In particular, Gabriel's "Waiting for the Sun" is a marvelous, suck-you-in-and-spit-you-out-exhausted sort of read, but portions of it may get a little intense for extreme sensitive readers.

I'd like to thank my contributors for allowing me to distribute their work to a wider forum—there are still a large number of fans who haven't surrendered to the mesmerism of the Net—and to my co-editor, Heather, for squeezing some illos into the cracks betwee professional assignments.

Thanks, too, to those of you who have purchased this zine. You're helping to keep print fandom alive.

I hope you enjoy — Mary

  • Grief by Melissa Taylor ("This lyrical vignette follows Tracy through the bleak days and nights after Vachon's death.") (4)
  • Possible Futures by Imajiru "When Natalie was dying, Vachon didn't hesitate to bring her across. Now the two of them, Nick and Tracy must all live with the consequences.") (3 pages)
  • And They Lived Happily Ever After by Nancy Warlocke ("The title says it all. In this parody of "Last Knight" no one dies — though some of Our Heroes might consider death a kinder fate than what Nancy has in store for them.") (11)
  • Waiting for the Sun by Gabriel McFarlane ("A compelling, alternate-timeline novella. The victims in a string of horrific murders are all young, blonde lookalikes for Tracy Vetter. Nick thinks he knows the identity of the killer. Now, he has to convince Tracy to face up to the truth — before it gets her killed.") (16)
  • Everything I Need To Know About Life, I Learned From Vachon by Bonnie Pardoe (67)
  • The Other Side of Life by J.S. Levin ("Deeply affected by his near brush with death in "Fever", Vachon disappears. Undercover, on a dangerous assignment, Tracy's preoccupation with his absence could get her killed.") (68)
  • Somewhere in the Night by Le Phantom/Roger Armstrong ("Vachon leaves Toronto, but finds himself haunted by memories of Tracy Vetter.") (87)
  • "Ashes to Ashes": the Car Scene by Bonnie Pardoe ("A expansion of the first Tracy and Vachon scene from "Ashes to Ashes", speculating on the thoughts and motivations behind that most peculiar conversation.") (88)
  • Vachon by Imajiru ("Vachon muses on why — in spite of everything — he likes Nick Knight.") (90)
  • Protect and Serve by Christina Kamnikar ("An Enforcer discovers Vachon has broken the Code, and gives him 48 hours to "correct" his mistake with Tracy by making her forget, killing her, or bringing her across. Vachon and Tracy's search for a fourth, acceptable alternative sets off a chain of events that embroils Nick and Natalie, and could cost all of them their lives.") (92)
  • Surprises by Debra Fiorini ("Tracy has a deep, dark secret and nobody's going to like it.") (156)
  • Faraway Inside 1: Septicemia by Bonnie Pardoe ("Part of a trilogy (which finishes in "Amantes de la Noche" #2) (160)
  • Faraway Inside 2: A Little Death by Bonnie Pardoe (165)
  • The Other Games Vampires Play by Gabriel McFarlane ("A sex-farce with fangs. What else is there to say?") (172)
  • Reunion by J.S. Levin ("A disturbing premonition sends Vachon to Screed's grave.") (181)

Issue 2

front cover of issue #2, Heather Bruton
back cover of issue #2, Heather Bruton

Amantes de la Noche (Lovers of the Night) 2 was published in 1997 and contains 191 pages. Cover and interior art by Heather Bruton.