Rachel Anton

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Name: Rachel Anton
Alias(es): Rachel A.
Type: Writer, mailing list moderator
Fandoms: The X-Files, BtVS
Communities: RATales
URL: AOL Homepage (wayback), Stories on Gossamer, RATales, SkipperTales
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Rachel Anton is an X-Files fanfiction author and founder of the RATales mailing list.



Fan Comments

An IM conversation:

Ambress: Rachel Anton is the Queen of Smut
Ambress: She is alternatively funny, sexy, and she is always smart.
Ambress: I would read the phone book if she wrote it.
Ambress: She can make me believe anything, even against my will.
Ambress: Howzat?
Ambress: She is alternatively funny and sexy, and she is always smart.
bugs: I like hte phone book line.
Ambress: What, and the rest is crap?
bugs: because she does take situations that you think would never work and make it work.
Ambress: Well what do you expect
bugs: NO, I was mearly highlighting a comment. <g>
bugs: I'm thinking of 3 months
Ambress: ummm
bugs: whoda thunk that could work?
Ambress: When I first read 3 Months on Gossamer, I knew I had struck gold.[1]
