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Name: Telesilla
Alias(es): Ruth Gifford, Master Ruth, Ruth Moore [1]
Type: Fan Writer, Moderator, meta writer
Fandoms: Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek (2009), Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Real Person Fiction, Lord of the Rings RPF, Stargate Atlantis
Other: GiffStein Productions[2] (Chez Rozilla)
URL: telesilla at AO3
telesilla at Dreamwidth
telesilla at LiveJournal
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Telesilla, also known as Ruth Gifford, is primarily a fan-writer who has been active in online fandom since January of 1995. She also writes meta on various topics including kink, BDSM, LGBT issues, fandom, and warnings. She writes many stories solo, but also often co-writes with others, including darkrose, helens78, hily, among others.

In 2002, she wrote that she "is eternally grateful to the world of 'net fandom for the many wonderful and talented friends she's made over the years, not to mention the entertaining flame wars she's been privileged to fight in." [3]

Telesilla has made a blanket statement about her fanworks being open to further transformation,[4] and has made a statement about recs and reviews of her work.[5]

History and Activities

"I've been a SF/Fantasy fan since...oh probably 5th grade or so. During the '80s and early '90s I was on the edge of actual fandom, but most of that kind of energy went into the Society for Creative Anachronism. In Feb of '95 I went online and found out that fanfiction was readily available and that I could write it. I haven't looked back."[6]

Sample Fanworks


  1. ^ "My TPM fic--under the name Ruth Gifford--can be found at the Master Apprentice Archive and...*mumbles* my TrekSmut can be found at Trekiverse under the names Ruth Moore and Ruth Gifford." -- Team Romance McShep Match Interview with telesilla (2007)
  2. ^ "GiffStein Productions". 1998-12-07. Archived from the original on 2013-06-21.
  3. ^ from the endnotes of the zine Buying Trouble
  4. ^ See note at homepage and AO3 profile. (Accessed 10 May 2011)
  5. ^ "Reviews and Recs, of course, are not for me, so go ahead and do whatever you like along those lines. [...]" at My Fic Policies...let me show you them! post at Dreamwidth. (Accessed 10 May 2011)
  6. ^ Now is the time on Sprockets when...we talk about me! intro post at InsaneJournal (Accessed 10 May 2011)
  7. ^ See list of Keptverse stories by darkrose and telesilla. Accessed 10 May 2011)
  8. ^ See note at end of Sticky Post; or more than you really needed to know about Telesilla at Dreamwidth. (Accessed 10 May 2011)

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