Spock It To Me

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from an early June 1967 rock 'n roll newspaper, "Go" - a pre-"Laugh In" use

The phrase, "Spock it to me" first appears on a bumper sticker sold in a catalog by Star Trek Enterprises in July 1968.

The phrase was also used on Happening '68 in which Dick Clark said "Spock it to me" while wearing Spock ears. [1]

A Riff on "Sock It To Me"

"Spock it to me" is entwined with the phrase "Sock it to me" which was a riff used by Aretha Franklin in her song, "Respect," which in turn borrowed from earlier use.

"Sock it to me" was popularized by a television show that began in 1968. In early September 1968, Richard Nixon used a variation of it, "Sock it to me," on Laugh In. [2]

Some Examples of Use



A fan in August 1971 wrote: "Spock followers! It certainly would be fun to try [to elect Spock as president of the United States]! Remember: You can always run up to the Nixon Republican Party headquarters, and replace all their "Nixon's the One for ’72!" pencils and replace them with "Spock it to me!" pens and "Mr. Spock for President" pencils. Sound like fun? You bet it is! It'd drive Spiro Agnew up the wall." [3]


From a poem by phyl proctor: "I'm Doohan fine with Jim!/Spock it to me!!/I'm a wolf... Fold me/I'm a Devil in the dark!/ST has 2 main points... both are Spock's/ST has it's funny little Kirk's" [4]


From a fan in 2021: "He is hot AF. Only eclipsed by Ethan Peck in his ears. Spock it to me! #PonFarr" [5]
