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Title: SAM-I-AM
Author(s): Marisa Golini
Date(s): June 20, 1994
Fandom(s): X-Files
External Links: part one; part two

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SAM-I-AM is an X-Files story by Marisa Golini.

It was posted to June 20, 1994, and was one of the first stories posted there. See List of Very Early X-Files Fanfiction for similar works. It was later printed in Of Dreams and Schemes #10.

The introduction to Machine of Intention mentions this story: "Note: Timeline wise, this story occurs after "Gemma" (1 and 2) and before "Sam-I-Am" and the soon to be uploaded "The Fire Eternal". All other stories occur in an alternate time-line in the multiverse."

Author's Summary

After the X-Files are shut down (post first-season finale), Fox Mulder takes a leave of absence, only to get a strange phone call from a fellow UFO enthusiast who tells him he's harboring an "abductee" Mulder should talk to. When he meets the woman, the "spooky" senses start tingling, and he can't figure out why he's drawn to her. But is she who she appears to be?

Author's Foreword

Ever since I saw the X-Files episode "Conduit", I knew I wanted to write a Samantha-story. Of course, we X-Philes know the story well. It was the first time we realy got see the pain Agent Mulder has lived with since his younger sister disappeared 21 years ago-- the victim, he believes, of an alien abduction.

This is the story of Samantha Mulder's return...or is it? You decide. The events of this story take place shortly after the first season finale.

Special thanks to my telepathic buddy Patti MacKinnon who did a ton of research for me, and "Agent" Ian Shearer who is a walking encyclopedia of classified information. Some of my info came from the alt.alien.visitor.faq and the book _The Allagash Abductions_ by Raymond Fowler. Thanks to Dr. Seuss, Toronto music group The Leslie Spit Treeo for the song "UFO", and of course Chris, David and Gillian for a stellar job on a stellar show.

And now...let us see if the truth is out there, shall we?