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Title: Slaveworld
Author(s): Gloria Fry
Cover Artist(s): Raymond D Sless
Illustrator(s): Maggie Symon
Date(s): 1994
Medium: print zine, fanfic
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
External Links: online version
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Slaveworld is a gen Star Trek: TOS 89-page slavefic novel by Gloria Fry. The cover is by Raymond D Sless, and it also has interior art by Maggie Symon.

cover by Raymond D. Sless, "Lord Zuma of M'Ran"


On an alien planet where the humanoid population are subjugated by Vulcanoids, Kirk is captured by slave traders and sold to a brutal owner/ Spock disguises himself as one of the ruling class in an attempt to rescue his captain... adult themes, non-explicit, suitable for readers over 16. [1]

Reactions and Reviews

Kirk is captured (yes, again!) and taken into slavery. Spock sets out to find him alter an argument with McCoy, saying that he must go alone. I really enjoyed this zine. It's h/c but a bit strong in parts, though it's not exactly a K/S zine. It's large print, which is great. Get it if you can. [2]

Ok, first of all this is NOT slash. *gasp* IKR? I can't believe I'm making a disclaimer for friendship only fic! XD Anywhooo ... Kirk is kidnapped and turned into a slave by a race of Vulcans on an alien planet and Spock of course must rescue him. Even though there is no slash, the love shown between Jim and Spock is simply beautiful. If you have read any of my blathering, by now you know that I have a thing for bonding and yes, they are telepathically bonded as brothers and IT IS WONDERFUL!!! ♥ I should warn for torture, although it's not explicit. [3]


  1. ^ from a publisher's ad
  2. ^ from IDIC #39
  3. ^ from Past and Present Intertwined - Star Trek Kirk/Spock fic recs post, posted February 28, 2010, accessed June 19, 2013