Snowfall (Forever Knight story)

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Title: Snowfall
Author(s): Dorothy Elggren
Date(s): 12/24/1996 (FKFIC-L)
Length: short story
Genre(s): drama, historical, Christmas story
Fandom(s): Forever Knight
External Links: "Snowfall" (via Wayback)

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"Snowfall" is a Forever Knight story by Dorothy Elggren. It was written for the "Christmas Challenge", which was posted on FKFIC-L by Susan M. Garrett in December 1993, and remained in effect for several years thereafter.

Although "Snowfall" starts and ends in the present day, most of the story is set in the 1830s, shortly after the events of the episode "Let No Man Tear Asunder". Having left Geneva heading for Paris, Nick Knight is travelling through a heavy snowfall when he comes across a wrecked wagon, a dead driver, and a woman in childbirth. Affected by the scent of blood, Nick has to control his natural bloodlust in order to act as midwife.

Nick's fascination with snow (which symbolizes purity to him) at the beginning of the story contrasts starkly with the danger it represents to the pregnant Marie Therese Rocher, who is giving birth a month early in the middle of a storm without shelter. The symbolism of her baby's birth in a Christmas Challenge story is obvious; and, as further emphasis, it is revealed at the end of the story that Nick has been out in the snow cutting a tree for Natalie to help him decorate.