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Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson/Stefan Salvatore
Alternative name(s): Klefan
Gender category: slash
Fandom: TVD
Canonical?: no
Prevalence: common
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The pairing of Klaus/Stefan is a slash ship in TVD fandom. Their canon relationship started in 1922 when they met in Chicago. Stefan was in his Ripper stage and Klaus was in Chicago with his sister Rebekah. They developed a strong bond, but when Mikael caught up with Klaus and Rebekah, the two Originals had to flee. To keep everybody safe from his father, Klaus was forced to compel Stefan's memories of him and Rebekah away.

After they met again in Mystic Falls, even though Klaus returned Stefan's memories to him, their relationship was never as close. Stefan tried to kill Klaus on a number of occasions and plotted against him. Klaus always spoke fondly to and of Stefan, with the exception of situations where he was still reeling from the most recent plot against him.


(history of fannish interest in the pairing - fan activities, meta discussions, first appearance of pairing in fanworks, etc.)

Common Tropes in Fanworks

  • Unrequited love - due to the dynamic the characters have on the show, fans sometimes portray their relationship as either Klaus caring about Stefan more than Stefan does for him, or turning it into an unrequited love kind of situation
  • Roadtrip/Partners in Crime - the topic of their roadtrip between season 2 and 3 is a popular subject, as well as Klaus and Stefan being murderous vampires together.


Example Fanworks



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