Tales From the House of the Moon

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Title: Tales From the House of the Moon
Author(s): Resmiranda
Date(s): Dec 13, 2003 - Feb 18, 2006
Length: c. 326,000 (42 Chapters)
Genre(s): Gen later Het, Fairytale, Drama, Adventure/Action, Angst
Fandom(s): InuYasha
External Links: At MediaMiner at FFN

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Tales From the House of the Moon is a Sesshomaru/Kagome fanfic by Resmiranda.


Kagome, now in college, discovers the tale of Sesshomaru and Rin. Grief can be a prison, but the bonds of love are not easily broken. What is the truth behind fairytales?

The story is internally split with "Interludes" (Chapter 9, Chapter 24, Chapter 35) acting as the set up for Kagome's next adventure in Feudal Japan with Sesshomaru. The stories include: The Maiden and the Lord of the West (starts Prologue), The Hime and the Inu-Ouji (starts Chapter 9), The Madoushi and the Miko (starts Chapter 24), Break-In At Local Shrine (starts Chapter 35). The final chapter is titled The Miko and the King of the Moon.


There have been various forms of fanworks such as art and vids dedicated or inspired by Tales From the House of the Moon:

Reactions & Reviews

As of 7th May 2014, the story has over 4,700 reviews and over 5,400 favorites on FFN[1] and over 500 reviews at MediaMiner[2].

"Ah, ToHM: the epic fanfic that launched a thousand fanon ships. Whenever someone asks me, "what's the story that brought you into the fandom?" this is my answer. It seems strange, considering I was very much a canon shipper...but this story is so well told, even canon-pairing shippers can find something to love about it. If you ever needed to be convinced of the plausibility of this pairing, though, this story is the one that will make you a believer. Three of the four major arcs are adventure stories, where Sesshoumaru and Kagome are merely companions, trying to get through their quest without killing each other. It's the best kind of enemies-to-lovers story, because the evolution of the relationship is fully explained. My personal favorite arc is the second one, the quest to find the special medicine needed for birthing hanyou babies. The characterizaton of Sesshoumaru is beyond excellent; I think everyone who reads this story and sets out to write Sesshoumaru fanfic unconsciously carries this version of him with us, just as much as the anime and manga versions."[3]

" I read like 5 chapters of it when I first came into this fandom, but didn’t finish it. Now, I sat down and read all 42 chapters, all 300 000 words of it. This is probably one the most well written fanfiction out there. So great that it could even be a novel. It still builds from the original Inuyasha Universe, but occurs mostly 50-100 years after. Being a crack couple, one that isn’t canon and barely interacted in the series - SessKag is probably one of the hardest couple to write about. Some writers choose to make their own universe while others decide to intertwined with the Inuyasha’s original universe (time traveling). With that comes characterization, plot speed, and development as a whole. How do you make a coldass demon that hates humans fall in love with a human? It brings in all different possibilities for writers and some just do it right. This fanfiction did it the best. It’s not my top favourite, but probably in my top 3. I could give this fanfiction to anyone, even one that has little knowledge of the Inuyasha Universe; and they would probably love it. Maybe not as much as fans do, but enough for them to appreciate it. The different arcs this fanfiction had was amazing. The arcs- it created a story line that made this couple believable and real. The story wasn’t all sweet and oh here, “go kiss now”. It was actually painfully realistic. Painfully unfair, making me scream why this has to happen, where’s the happily ever after? But life is bittersweet. There’s no happily ever after. Your efforts to do something good in history could make you the bad guy 400 years after. Even to the very end, she keeps this theme. The amount of emotions I have are still overpowering me. I hate people who downplay fanfictions. While yes most fanfictions are chessy and lame as hell - as the ones I read when I was 13 were; the SessKag couples allows so many different possibilities that it calls to talented writers. This fandom probably has one of the most creative fans out there; which is probably why this couple is so highly loved despite it’s randomness and craziness... I dearly loved this fanfiction, and I have not cried till I couldn’t breathe in a long time & that’s my two cent."[4]



  1. ^ Fanfiction.Net Link lists Reviews: 4,738 - Favs: 5,441 (accessed 7 May 2014).
  2. ^ MediaMiner Link lists 505 reviews (accessed 7 May 2014).
  3. ^ luxken27. Het Reccers. Posted 19 November 2011. Accessed 7 May 2014.
  4. ^ Urg. Haven’t cried like this in a long time. tinysnowdrops. Posted February 2014. (Accessed 12 May 2014)