A Ticket to Tuscon

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Jim/Blair Fanfiction
Title: A Ticket to Tuscon
Author(s): Cara Chapel
Date(s): 2004
Length: ~11000 words
Genre: Slash, Alternate Universe
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: A Ticket to Tuscon on Cara Chapel's Fanfic Garden (Wayback)

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A Ticket to Tuscon is a Sentinel story by Cara Chapel. It appeared in the zine Angel On My Mind #4.


In this AU, Sandburg and Ellison's paths cross briefly in 1987. Penniless, Blair is forced to prostitute himself in an attempt to earn his way across country to enter college. Jim is a lieutenant stationed at Fort Campbell KY who rescues him from thugs.

Reactions and Reviews

This story is set while Jim is still a soldier, before he goes to Peru, and Blair is 18yrs and about to start college. A series of mishaps sees Blair stranded and penniless across country and unable to get to Arizona to enroll in his course. In desperation he turns to prostitution and is rescued from an ugly situation by Jim. In spite of the circumstances of their meeting and Blair's young age the story manages to be sweet and moving and not at all sleazy.[1]

One of my favorites, too. And, yes, the story does manage "to be sweet and moving and not at all sleazy." :-) I have this one in my Favorites folder.[2]
