Time is the Fire in Which We Burn

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Title: Time is the Fire in Which We Burn
Author(s): Lady Mol
Date(s): 2003
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Angel the Series
External Links: Love that Dares link

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Time is the Fire in Which We Burn is an Angel/Spike series by Jenny. It is hosted on Jenny's personal site Love That Dares and consists of a pilot and eight other episode. Each episode is a multi chaptered fic. It was continued in season 2, The Darkling Plain, which had 10 episodes.

The Pilot Story....
Spike gets his soul back, but he can't find the forgiveness he craves. Having a soul now makes him have to concentrate to be evil. Abandoned by the Sunnydale humans, he has to find a new way give his demonic energy some outlet.

Episodes 1 - 8 had the following warning, which was not present on the pilot episode.

Warning: All my fiction deals with adult themes: torture; blood play; rape; graphic male/male sex. That doesn't mean that every story has all these elements, but some of them might. If you find any of these disturbing, please don't read this fiction. I don't put specific warnings on individual chapters or episodes because I feel that spoils the plot.

This was a widely recced series and inspired a fanvid, Dangerous by Blondie.


  • Runner up Round 9 Shades of Grey Awards
  • Nominated for Best Angst, Best Darkfic and Best Series in Precious Kisses Round 2.
  • Nominated for best m/m slash and for best writer of NC 17 in the H.D.F.M. Awards
  • Winner in the Irresitible Lover Awards of: Best overall slash, best dark angst, best BtVS/AtS slash, best vampire fic, judges' pick, best action adventure
  • Nominated in the Shadows and Dust Fanfiction Awards for: Best Angst, Best Male Slash, Best Plot, Best Series, and Best Dramatic Fiction.
  • Nominated in the Shades of Grey Awards for Best Dark Angst

Recs and Reviews

Time is the Fire in Which We Burn - I had to pick one story from Love that Dares, a website with all of Jenny's fiction. This is the first story in a long series. Her Spike/Angel fiction is hot, and her voices, including Wesley are spot on. I highly recommend all of her fiction.[1]

Jenny at Love That Dares also wrote "Time is the Fire in Which We Burn." It's a complete series that is continued in the sequel, "The Darkling Plain." In Time is the Fire, episode 8 chapter 3 has a de-souled Spike. It's so good though, you'll want to start at the very beginning![2]
