The Training of P

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Title: The Training of P
Author(s): Kassandra
Date(s): 1998
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | The End (Kassandra's Other Page For those Other XF Pairings)

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The Training of P is a Krycek/Pendrell fic by Kassandra.

Some Comments by the Author

In 1998, Kassandra wrote:

... it should be clear that from start to finish Training of P is purely fantasy noncon, an homage to Anne Rice.[1]


The Training of P s precisely that. An unlikely fantasy. Highly stylized. No, the key is that the victim is implicitly consensual by consenting to feel pleasure. And yes, that it's fantasy.[2]

Fan Comments

"The Training of "P" by Kassandra - (K/P) Well, the most controversial slash fic of the year, and guess what? It was written as a gift for yours truly, by the immensely talented Kassandra, in real-time over five days, via AOL IM yet! Screams of "rape fic", "squick-o-rama!", incoherent howls of rage filled the air for days in Slashland, all of them ignoring a fic that was wonderfully dark, beautifully written and presented in the best tradition of Pauline Reage and Anne Rice. I try to be objective, but it's hard when someone's handed something of this beauty to you on a whim. Stunning. ('s on the Socks Shoppe, but in a special corner... Keep the kiddies at home, please. -- Rating: 5 +++ Lashes [3]
