You're Hercules?!

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Title: You're Hercules?
Publisher: DreamCatcher Press
Date(s): 1995
Medium: print
Fandom: Hercules: the Legendary Journeys
Language: English
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You're Hercules? is a 106-page gen Hercules: the Legendary Journeys anthology with stories by Linda Chapple and Angela Field.

It was originally published in the UK.


  • Editorial (2)
  • The Brand by Angela Field ("When Iolaus is plagued by recurring nightmares, Hercules takes him to a Seer friend of his, unaware that doing so will cause the nightmares to come true." Excerpt: "Hercules was a second too late to reach the High Priest. He roared in rage as he saw Iolaus' body convulse and the High Priest lean almost lovingly against him, then he was up on the dias and plucking the man from his feet, hurling him at the statue without thinking ...") (3)
  • The Flowers Of Tartarus by Linda Chapple ("Hercules is poisoned by one of Hera's creatures and this time there is no cure. That is what Iolaus believes, until Hermes arrives to tell him that there is indeed a cure...deep in the bowels of Tartarus." Excerpt: "Hercules sat bolt upright in bed and lunged at something only he could see. Mendalon and Alcmene dropped the scrolls the healer had brought in a hopeless attempt to find some kind of magic cure and threw themselves at him. The demi-god snarled silently and swept them away, his eyes still fixed on some unseen danger. He was screaming Iolaus' name over and over again, but his spurt of strength soon died away and the other two were able to manhandle him back on to the bed ...") (22)
  • Spider's Mate by Angela Field ("When Hercules hears tales of a monster preying on yet another village, he decides to do something about it. The matter becomes a little more personal when the monster snatches Iolaus, but even after the monster has been dealt with, the legacy of its existence lingers on." Excerpt: "As Iolaus fell, Hercules bolted forward through the smoke and dived, determined to get under his friend. Somehow, he managed to get both his arms under the blond, breaking his fall as the warrior thumped into his chest. Hercules rolled with the impact, cushioning Iolaus against him. He waited only long enough to get a dazed response out of his friend, before throwing him over his shoulder and running for the cave entrance...") (56)
  • First Draft by Linda Chapple ("When Hercules receives another instalment of his biography from Salmoneous, he invites Iolaus over to take a look at it..." Excerpt: "Hercules' initial amusement was beginning to edge towards concern as he realised that Iolaus was getting a little short of breath. The blond had slipped to the floor and lay there, curled up on himself as he howled with mirth over the latest passage. He was definitely going to have to tell Salmoneous to tone down on some of the overblown rhetoric ...") (101)

Sister Zines

Reactions and Reviews

You're Hercules, You're Iolaus, and You're Salmoneus DreamCatcher Press Gen rated G-PG13

I ordered these three zines on a whim and found them to be definitely worth the money. The stories are all by either Linda Chapple or Angela Field, and all are nicely plotted well-written adventure stories. They are definitely Iolaus-centric, but there's plenty of Herc too, and both authors have a good grasp of the relationship between the two characters. Our two heroes fight lots of monsters, find themselves in some terribly tense situations, and kick lots of butt.

These zines were originally published in Britain, but the authors have done a good job of catching the American feel of Herc and Iolaus' dialog. A few Britishisms crept in occasionally, but frankly I was enjoying the stories so much that I didn't mind. I'd be hard pressed to choose favorites, but I think Chapple's story "The Flowers of Tartarus," where Herc is poisoned by one of Hera's monsters and Iolaus has to search for the cure in Tartarus, and Field's "Stalk Like an Egyptian" where Hercules, Iolaus and Salmoneus return to Attica and run into their old friend the Mummy, which decides it wants Iolaus as a sacrifice are stand-outs.[1]
