A couch isn't just for sleeping on...

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Title: A couch isn't just for sleeping on...
Author(s): Sandra Lee
Date(s): 24 March 1999
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: A couch isn't just for sleeping on... (Slave to Plot Bunnies)

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A couch isn't just for sleeping on... is a Mulder/Krycek story by Sandra Lee.

Summary: Another use for Mulder’s couch <eg> PWP (do I do anything else????)

Recs and Reviews

I don't usually read PWP, but I happened upon this one and thought it was just fabulous. It is one of those great little finds, you didn't even know was out there. Though it is short it's extremely hot and loving. It had me both squirming in my seat and smiling over its sweetness. [...][1]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 27 March 2015)