Another Fine Mess (Starsky & Hutch story 1)

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See Another Fine Mess for stories with the same title.

Title: Another Fine Mess
Author(s): Lorraine Bartlett
Date(s): 1979
Length: three pages
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
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Another Fine Mess is a gen Starsky & Hutch story by Lorraine Bartlett.

The story tidies up the episode "Playboy Island."

It was published in the fourth issue of Zebra Three.

Reactions and Reviews

What it is, is a nicely-turned sequel to the Playboy Island episode in which Starsky tries, none too success fully, to come to terms with his voodoo-induced attempt to kill Hutch. The slightly false note at the end is, I suspect, deliberate.[1]

Another Fine Mess didn't do much for me.[2]

Another Fine Mess—Another good gap-filler. It is well written and the little aside of Hutch drinking Starsky's scotch was a nice touch! [3]

Another Fine Mess - Please don't kill me, but something didn't click right or this one. Hutch's refusal to believe in voodoo was right on the money, but Starsky gave in too easily. I know, I know! It's supposed to be a short, short story, and I shouldn't expect a novella, but I can't help that.[4]

Another Fine Mess combined the more serious aspects of a just-as-soon-forgotten nightmare with that touch of lightness that pulled, it all together.[5]


  1. ^ from Jane Aumerle in Star Canticle #2
  2. ^ from S and H #1
  3. ^ from an LoC in "Zebra Three" #5
  4. ^ from an LoC in "Zebra Three" #5
  5. ^ from an LoC in "Zebra Three" #5