Another Side of the Mirror

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Another Side of the Mirror
Author(s): Anne McClean
Date(s): 1991
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Another Side of the Mirror is a Kirk/Spock story by Anne McClean.

title page from the print zine

It was published in the print zine Within the Mirror #5.


"Kirk entertains the man sent to execute Spock for his refusal to kill his captain during the Halkan incident, while struggling with his own feelings for the Vulcan."

Reactions and Reviews

... But first the tranya. No, wait. The mirror story — talk about a seducer! Kirk says:" 'It's getting kind of hot in here, Spock. I don't know how you stand it.'" And he takes off his bolero. Spock just about faints. Or later: "'Don't you want to touch, Spock? Come on, Spock. Touch me.'"

What an incredible scene when Kirk and Spock are playing chess and all Kirk does is look into Spock's eyes for an instant and he knows Spock wants him. This sets in motion all the resentment Kirk has of his true feelings for Spock. Not only is he in denial, he's in complete rejection with a little torture thrown in just to prove it. Of course, once he gets a taste of Spock sexually, he can't get enough. And this drives him wild. He's so upset that he has these feelings for poor, innocent Spock, that he'll do anything to deny them. It's so wonderful watching Kirk think he has the upper hand when all along we know that Spock really is the one with power.

This is the same theme running through the McClean stories I've read. But I don't care one bit. I can't get enough. I don't want these stories to end. She could write a hundred of exactly the same scenario and I'd love it. This Spock is a marvelous combination of helpless love for Kirk and such innocence with real strength of will. He sees Kirk. He goes for him. No its ands or buts. Then there's Kirk. I love watching him be so horrified that he would actually have these kind of feelings for Spock. Inevitably, the realization dawns on him. We always hope it's not too late. But it never is.

Spock marches into Kirk's quarters because they had an appointment. There was Kirk in bed with a woman. Then, just to heap insult on the Vulcan because how dare he make Kirk have feelings for him, Kirk makes Spock apologize to the woman for interrupting them. Too wonderfully terrible!

Kirk is so mercurial in his moods—one second, he thinks doing something nasty to Spock is the greatest thing in the universe, the next second he's consumed with guilt, then in an instant, he's shrugged it off. But still solidly Kirk. And he keeps telling Spock to take his clothes off and get into bed...

My mission, should I decide to accept "it, is to seek out this Anne McClean and convince her to return to her proper place in K/S. [1]

Here's another story from this zine I liked. In this story, Kirk's infamous intuition allows him to see Spock's desire for him in an unguarded moment. Kirk seizes the opportunity, thinking to manipulate Spock. He does succeed in seducing Spock, but it backfires in that Kirk starts really wanting Spock. He doesn't want to want Spock, and proceeds to sleep around and humiliate Spock, then ignoring him for a few days. When he decides to go to Spock at last, Spock no longer wants Kirk. At first Kirk is relieved, thinking he's free of his desire for Spock, and free of the Vulcan's obvious feelings for him. Soon he realizes he misses Spock, his love, and the security of being in his arms. Anger grows, so when the Halkan incident occurs he's more than ready to believe Spock betrayed him. He reports Spock to the Empire, and the Imperial Examiner, Malbis, is sent to interrogate and punish Spock-translated to torture and kill.

Malbis is a real slime. He just oozes false sincerity. The only real thing about him is his lust for Kirk. Kirk plays up on it, deciding he could use a powerful ally in the Imperial Court But it's Spock who's always in his mind.

I like how Spock's last request is to see Kirk one final time and say good-bye. He reveals to Kirk he is going to enter a trance that night and will himself to die. It's really tender, how Spock talks to him, doesn't even hold a grudge against Kirk. Kirk leaves, guilty, but determined to let Spock go and seek out Malbis. He's on the brink of getting it on with Malbis when he realizes he can't. Instead Kirk phasers him out of existence. He reaches Spock just in time to pull him back from death. Love wins after all.

Some people don't like Mirror stories because they are often raw and violent but this one really isn't, and when Kirk rushes to rescue Spock, and holds him close, it does leave you with a warm feeling. [2]

This particular story gave a somewhat different view of the mirror Kirk - a lot harsher and perhaps more in keeping with the very little we saw of him in the episode. I was left with one particularly nagging question: If Spock's trance was irreversible once he was into it, why was Kirk able to draw him out of it? Because of Spock's love for Kirk or Kirk's for him? For me, this was not made clear. [3]


  1. ^ from Come Together #23
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #61
  3. ^ from the The LOC Connection #35