Anything Worth Dying For

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Title: Anything Worth Dying For
Author(s): waldorph
Date(s): September 6, 2009
Length: 30,250 words
Genre(s): Apocafic, Slash, Outsider POV
Fandom(s): Supernatural
External Links: (defunct)
"photograph of a stone angel statue on a purple background, text=Anything Worth Dying For by waldorph"
Banner by Endeni (2010)

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Anything Worth Dying For is a Supernatural canon-divergent apocafic, partly focused on the pairing of Dean/Castiel. It was an early DeanCas fanfiction, and is often recced to fans to see the changes in the pairing over time.

Reactions and Reviews

Another great apoca!fic from the SPN family. Sam started apocalypse and now the rapture has come... Just not for everyday civilians. As Lawrence acting as the military base for the apocalypse, it's up to hunters collected (or “raptured”) from around the world to stop “the end”. Though there is hardly any brotherly love in this story, there isn't complete hate between the brothers either. Great blurbs from “The Book of Chuck” throughout the story and a happy ending.[1]

A sort of alternative to season five, this fic is similar to Exceptional Circumstances, Named, and Unexpected Destinies (with Dean leading angels and humans during the apocalypse). I’ve heard a lot of good things about this author and had yet to read any of their work. So, this fic has been in my queue for a while. The fic is told in a series of alternating POVs and takes place over a few years. It was a bit disjointed for my tastes, but I kind of liked it at the same time (lol, does that even make sense?). Anyway, the destiel definitely takes a backseat to the plot. In fact, I almost feel like it would have been better as a gen or pre-slash fic. (The destiel aspect could have been better developed in my opinion or just left out.) Regardless, there’s strong writing and I really enjoyed Sam’s headspace (even if it made me upset at times; it’s Sam right after freeing Lucifer, so he’s not feeling too great about himself).[2]

A great post-S4 fic that does a great job of building on the whole concept of the Gospel According to Chuck and the various factions that we caught glimpses of up to the end of S4. Excellent world-developing and character-examination throughout as well.[3]

Again an epic story. I’ve been to Lawrence and seen the hotel that’s the main setting for this, and it makes me squeal with fannish glee. The podfic is amazing because it incorporates outside audio into the fic, which does a great job of setting up the multiple perspectives this story is told from. I love the fact that we get Jo’s voice here, and that there is a “Matt Farrell” character. Team Humanity is up for the win.[4]

I think this has to be my favourite re-invention of the apocalypse situation and the roles that Team Free Will play.[5]

this story is not entirely written in outsiders!pov–some of it is written in dean’s–but most of it is, and it certainly has the tone of an outsiders!pov fic, so I’m putting it here. also this fic is fantastic[6]

Another long read (30,000+), but one of my favorites. It was written before the 5th season aired (so, in short hand: when the show was still great and the fandom hadn’t turned into the ridiculous bullshit quagmire much of it is today) and in my heart of hearts, I’ve always been kind of disappointed that it isn’t canon. It’s style is similar to WBtV (I have a type, clearly), but also completely different? I read it not long after I read WBtV and between the two, I began writing.[7]

I’m reading this fic and so very much in love with it already! All these amazing characters re-united! Sarah and Cassie are hunters! Jo went of hunting on her own! Lenore is back! Anna is there! Angels vs Demons/Lucifer vs Sam, Dean, the rebellious angels, vampires and everyone else! Why didn’t this happen in S5?! Why??[8]

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