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Title: Ascent
Author(s): Little Red
Date(s): 2005
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: online here

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Ascent is an early John Sheppard/Elizabeth Weir story by Little Red.

Reactions and Reviews

Ascent was written in 2005. John and Elizabeth go through an unstable wormhole and get stranded on an alien planet alone. Injured and lacking supplies, the unresolved sexual tension simmers underneath the stressful situation. The ending isn't wholly happy, just quietly hopeful. Also from John's POV.[1]

This is the obligatory survival fic - John and Elizabeth stranded on an alien planet, an assortment of injuries between them, and no obvious way back to Atlantis. Little Red captures the characters and their interaction so perfectly you'll wish you could see this on the show.[2]


  1. ^ from the Sheppard/Weir Fanlore page
  2. ^ rec at Crack Van, February 2006