Bad Dreams

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Title: D.L. Powers
Author(s): Bad Dreams
Date(s): 31 Aug 1994
Fandom(s): X-Files
External Links: archived here

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Bad Dreams" is an X-Files story by D.L. Powers.

It was posted to in August 1994.

This story is on a List of Very Early X-Files Fanfiction.

Author's Notes

Okey-dokey, here's my contribution to the group. This is not so much a story as it is an imagined scene/sketch that occurred to me while I was trying to break a bad case of writer's block. (Picture a grown woman sobbing hysterically and beating her head against the wall---that's me! ;-D) The standard disclaimers apply; e.g., the characters are property of Ten Thirteen Productions/Fox, and no infringement of copyright is intended, blah, blah, blah...This is fan fiction, folks, written by a fan, for other fans, so don't sue me. I'm broke anyway.

This story is "rated" PG for a few mild adult words. This story does NOT contain full-frontal nudity, sex, smoochin', romance, or anything remotely offensive, so don't get your knickers in a twist. ;-). E-mail me if you have constructive criticism, suggestions, advice, whatever---but please, no flames. I'm in a cranky phase right now, thanks to far too many football pre-emptions, and I might snap and snarl and bite you on the ankle if you provoke me. ;-D
