Becoming Andrew (five drabbles)

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Title: Becoming Andrew (five drabbles)
Author(s): queen_ypolita
Date(s): 12 June 2009
Length: 500 words (5 drabbles)
Genre(s): backstory
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on MRF

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"Becoming Andrew (five drabbles)" is a series of five linked drabbles by queen_ypolita based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. Each features Andrew Raynes, the young conscientious objector at the EMS hospital with whom Laurie falls in love.

The five drabbles focus on specific formative incidents in Andrew's life, each of which is canon, though only the last takes place within the time frame of the novel. In the first, he hears back from the headmaster of the school to which his aunt and uncle had wanted to send him. The second discusses briefly the more tolerant views of the school to which he is actually sent. The third covers the break with his family when he stays with Dave and his wife before going to university. The fourth describes his reaction upon getting his call-up papers at the outbreak of war. The fifth is about his experience as an orderly at the E.M.S. hospital, and concludes briefly with his friendship with Laurie.

The drabble sequence was written as part of the 5YO Celebrations on the maryrenaultfics LiveJournal community, in response to a challenge to "write something with five" in it. It elicited a handful of comments, including:

  • "I do love Andrew, and reading about his life in these little snippets was lovely. Thank you. :)"—comment by nostoi