Best of the Net

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Title: Best of the Net, Best of the Net Illustrated, BotN
Publisher: AMC Press
Editor(s): Laura Pecks
Date(s): 1999-2005
Medium: print
Fandom: mostly Sentinel, some Starsky & Hutch, The Phantom Menace & and Harry Potter
External Links: WayBack Archive link to flyers
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Best of the Net zines available as of May 2001, from a ad in Borders

Best of the Net (also known as "Best of the Net Illustrated" or "BotN") was a series of slash mostly unrelated fanzines published by AMC Press. The series was intended to showcase fan fiction that had previously appeared online.

A similar series is Novel Concepts.

The List

NOTE: There are two issue #7s and #9s and #10s. To add to the confusion, not all dates line up. To further snarl things, some volumes are inconsistently labeled in flyers. [1] [2]

The Good Friend (May 2000) and The Diary Series (February 1999) were at one time planned as a part of the series, but it is unknown if they were, in the end, included.

Fan Comments

I don't see that the value I get for my buck is from word count, or how much white space there isn't, text size, etc. I'm paying for a story (stories). I can feel disappointed in nicely formated 'zine with a good word count (Crossroads, for example) whereas I'm thrilled to death to pay for something poorly formated such as the AMC press' "Best of the Net" 'zines. In fact, I've bought *duplicate* copies of some of those! (I mean "poorly formatted" in that they have large margins *+* a decorative border.) [4]


  1. ^ Lionheart Distribution
  2. ^ Lionheart Distribution
  3. ^ ad that confirms numbering
  4. ^ from a fan on Zinelist quoted anonymously (January 30, 2002)