Bureaucratic Error

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Title: Bureaucratic Error
Author(s): XmagicalX
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): The Sentinel/Highlander
External Links: online here

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Bureaucratic Error is a Sentinel/Highlander story by XmagicalX.

Reactions and Reviews

I interpret the writer's notes as saying this was written as a fix-it for the end of SenToo Pt 1, before viewers knew if there would ever be a fourth season. Blair finds himself in what appears to be the reception area of a hotel. He's directed down a tunnel... but there's a wolf there, standing guard, refusing to let him pass...

From context I assume that the next character who appears is from Highlander. I know almost nothing about that show, having seen no more of it than the first ten minutes or so of the pilot, but the author says this is a crossover with it and that knowledge of it isn't needed, and I'd agree, it's easy to consider this character as an OC.

As someone who came into Sentinel late, seeing it on videos borrowed from a friend who had been sent them by an American friend (it wasn't shown in the UK until another couple of years after that) I had about a two minute (if that) delay between seeing SenToo parts 1 & 2, and I'm fascinated by the stories written as fix-its during the hiatus. This is a very good one even though the writer describes it as 'a bit of fluff'.[1]


  1. ^ 2011 comments at Crack Van