Buried Queens

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Title: Buried Queens
Author(s): shiegra
Date(s): December 15, 2008 - January 16, 2012; July 24, 2015
Length: 11 chapters
Fandom(s): Chronicles of Narnia
External Links: InsaneJournal
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Buried Queens is a Susan/Caspian fic by shiegra. In 2015, they began rewriting it.[1]

Reactions and Reviews

Hi! You don't know me, but I fell in love with your Susan/Caspian drabble collection yesterday and decided to stalk you see if fandom had any more such gems to offer. I'm glad I did and stumbled across this. ^_^ You already have me hooked. My feelings on this story - and you as the author - are probably going to be rather schizophrenic (sp?); one little voice will tell me to worship you for your amazing writing, another will tell me to hate you for making me wait until a new chapter comes out every time, a third voice will tell me it's all my own fault, while I, myself, will be so wrapped up in the story that I'll have to watch out not to make exited noises while reading.


Oh, I LOVE this story! I read all 5 chapters yesterday and I've been dying for the next! Your writing is so captivating...it makes me sort of forget myself for a while. Keep it up! : )


Oh my God. It's back. And there's more! This was one of my favorite Narnia fic's, but when I read it the first time it hadn't been updated in so long I thought it was never going to have another! But then I happen to start poking back into CaspianxSusan stories and the first fic on the list is for Buried Queens, chapter 11, updated only a month ago! You wouldn't believe how happy this made me and I'm totally going to reread the entire thing something when it's not 1:30am and I have to work the next day!


I really love Caspian/susan fics, but the quality and quantity of them both seem to be lacking. However, I just came across this fic, and it's amazing. Easily by far one of the best Narnia fics I've ever read. I have to wonder though, do you ever plan on continuing it? It's such a shame to end it here, but I can see it's been a while. And have you ever posted this fic to a place where it's easier to read? Because it's difficult to find the parts, and I never did find part 10, which understandably made part 11 more than confusing. Either way, I hope you do continue this, because your an amazing author, and this is an amazing story.



  1. ^ Buried Queens rewrite - chapter one in susancaspian (2015)
  2. ^ Comment on Chapter 3 (2008)
  3. ^ Comment on Chapter 6 (2009)
  4. ^ Comment on Chapter 11 (2013)
  5. ^ Comment on Chapter 11 (2014)