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Title: Burn
Author(s): Toona
Date(s): 2003ish
Length: 52 chapters
Genre(s): angst
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: [hhttp://web.archive.org/web/20030711142308/http://acidic-kiss.org/toona/diehanson.html Burn] and Burn (rewrite)

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An illustration Toona created for the fic.

Burn is a Hanson fanfic written by Toona.

The story is written from Taylor's point of view, and deals with how he copes after Zac's sudden, accidental death. Both Taylor and Zac's girlfriend spiral downward, finding common ground in their own suffering.

After completing the story in 2003, Toona chose to rewrite it in 2005, although the rewrite was never completed. She included the following introduction with the rewrite:

Don't ask me why I'm doing this. It's like, the worst timing ever, given that I have so much shit going on in my life plus a whole other Hanson related project that is absorbing a lot of my time. But I wanted to. I wrote this story when I was fifteen going on sixteen. I am now eighteen and I find myself still constantly writing about these characters and their situations until I've written the same scene at least a hundred times. Finally, I decided to do it. I am rewriting this story. Now that I have a clear and distinct direction with this story, and a little bit to stand on with the characters, I am able to convey they and their situations with much more clarity. A lot has changed, but many things haven't. The core of this story is, essentially, the same. And hopefully, this write will have something to offer that my first draft did not. I have included the link to the old story in the menu, but when I do finish this rewrite there is a possibility I might take that link down. Don't worry, you're not going to miss anything. I promise that it'll be worth the trouble.

Reactions and Reviews

here’s too much in these fifty chapters for me to properly summarize here. Burn is the sort of story you just have to read to really get. Some authors can’t balance all that drama and angst without it becoming absurd, but Toona most definitely can.

The only way I feel I can properly end this review is with a disclaimer of sorts. Burn is not a story you breeze through when you want some light reading. I had to read it in multiple sittings, with several breaks during each. It hurts. It crawls under your skin. It’ll haunt you, in the best possible way.[1]

Like Ella, the rewrites on this one kicked it way up. But, let me warn you now, this is not a sweet story in any way. It’s tragic and angsty and insanity at it’s worst (or best, if that’s what you’re into). This story is painful to read at times, mainly because it’s so incredibly well written. Toona is like Lily, an artist and a writer. Check out a killer story and while you’re there, look around her site at her commentary and her art. One stop shopping![2]

I cannot get over this story. I don't like taking back things I've said before, but when I keep on coming across masterpieces, I guess I have to re-evaluate all the rest of the stories I've linked too. This is an amazing story. It's got that same draw as Lived and...I'm itching to say that it's even better. It, like Lived, deals with the death of one of the Hanson brothers, and how one, in particular, deals with it. It's so dark and sultry...pure genius, if ever there was one. Toona, you rock! And I know this is completely unrelated, but whenever I hear the song "Stuck" by Stacey Orrico (brilliant song, by the way), I am reminded of this story. I know I always say a story is a must-read, but that's the whole point of this site, isn't it? Anyway, a definite 10 out of 10 for this one. Oh, yeah, Taylor is the main character...[3]


Burn is featured in the PlaceToHide.net and Various Artists halls of fame.


  1. ^ "Bethany's review of Burn".
  2. ^ "Various Artists Hall of Fame". Archived from the original on 2008-07-20.
  3. ^ "Pretty Lies". Archived from the original on 2004-04-15.