But for the Grace of God (Sentinel story)

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: But for the Grace of God
Author(s): Kikkimax
Genre: gen
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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But for the Grace of God is a Sentinel story by Kikkimax.

Reactions and Reviews

The idea of another Sentinel coming into Blair's and Jim's lives has always been a fanfic idea I like to read about and explore. There's just so many variations on what could happen and how they would react. Kikkimax takes us down a darker path than others I've read in her fic, But For the Grace of God. In this heartwrenching tale, she explores the idea of another Sentinel whose gifts have not been a blessing; they've taken him and his life over since no one was around to help "guide" him through this life change. So when he meets someone who has the knowledge base and experience to help him, let's just say that the outcome isn't for the best. And yet, even though this other Sentinel is the antagonist of the story, the reader just can't help feeling for him. After all, if Blair hadn't come onto the scene, this poor man could have been Jim. One never knows. Definitely give this fic a gander; Kikkimax manages to write a very tight and engaging story that makes one feel for the characters, antagonist and protagonist.[1]


  1. ^ 2010 comments at Crack Van