Circling the Wagons

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Title: Circling the Wagons
Author(s): Callisto
Date(s): before 2008
Length: 13304 words
Genre(s): gen, case fic and hurt/comfort
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: CtW at AO3
CtW at
CtW at Me and Thee Archive
CtW at SH Archive

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Circling the Wagons is a Starsky & Hutch story by Callisto, Nicky Starsky young brother-focused.


"Your days of soaring with the eagles are gonna be long gone, Starsk, if you keep getting this drunk this qui--"

As he stepped forward Hutch had his first clear look of what looked like a cut and the beginnings of a nasty bruise just below Starsky's left eye.

Covering the remaining distance in a couple of strides, Hutch got to the door just as the entire Starsky-built edifice was about to crumble. Reaching around his partner's left side, he instantly hauled most of the weight off Nick and clamped his left hand onto Starsky's, wrapping it across his neck and shoulders.

Reactions and Reviews

Callisto has a deceptively easy breezy style that knocks you out. And there aren't enough stories about Nicky. And she weaves in a little Butch and Sundance. What else do you need?[1]
I should come clean here and confess Sheila is a dear friend and we beta each other's work. That said, I'm pretty sure there are damned few who would argue with me about her skill as a writer. We share three fandoms we enjoy—S&H, Pros, and The Sentinel. Starsky & Hutch's was the first one she chose to write in. Lucky fandom. Sheila writes both gen and slash in S&H. This story is gen all the way, and one of the longest pieces she has written in any fandom. In it, Nicky is in town to visit his big brother. And you know that's a recipe for trouble. The younger Starsky isn't in town one night before his big brother gets pulled into a bar fight, defending Nicky from a couple of thugs. It turns out the thugs didn't just randomly pick Nicky from out of the crowd. They know him from New York, and are after him to settle a debt. It's up to Starsky and Hutch to protect Nicky from the situation he has got himself into. This is taut and exciting, and its centerpiece is a wonderfully protective Hutch, determined to save his partner from Nicky and from himself. [2]
Now that was one great read! I always enjoy Nick/Hutch aggro with Starsky in the middle. You do the perfect Hutch protector (well the way I like him best anyway!) soft and gooey on the inside for his partner and hard, mean and oh so deadly on the outside for anyone threatening his friend. I just loved this story - the pace and tempo kept me moving forward but the way you write the boys made me want to savour it slowly. Great work Callisto. Thankyou.[3]
Awww, what a nice story of these two <3

I especially loved the Butch&Kid references since it's one of my favorite movies! And they do make subtle mentions of the film in the show itself!

Thank you for writing this :)
[account deleted]
The world building in this story is so intensely rich!

You really captured the tumultuous relationship between Starsky and Nicky, and I could practically /feel/ Hutch’s disgust at Nicky’s less-than-legit dealings. Loved the Gillian tie-in, and how their actions reflected one another’s.

Protective Hutch is totally best Hutch.

The Western motifs throughout are also amazing, so thank you for totally making my life with this fic.[4]


  1. ^ Kaye (2006-10-03). "Callisto has a deceptively easy breezy style that knocks you …". LiveJournal. Archived from the original on 2023-10-15.
  2. ^ from Case Stories –- Ancasta
  3. ^ Kerrys2Boys (2013-08-05). "Now that was one great read! I always enjoy …". AO3. Archived from the original on 2023-10-15.
  4. ^ account deleted (2021-06-20). "The world building in this story is so …". AO3. Archived from the original on 2023-10-15.