Concerned Supporters of Star Trek

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Fan Survey
Title: Concerned Supporters of Star Trek
Surveyor: Concerned Supporters of Star Trek
Date(s): 1981
Medium: print
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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Concerned Supporters of Star Trek was a group of fans active in the effort to keep Spock from being killed in the second Star Trek movie.

A 1981 Letter

A letter written to Interstat #49:

This summer, fandom was rife with rumors concerning
 the killing of Spock in the new Star Trek movie. These rumors were confirmed by various reliable sources, and an ad hoc group, the Concerned Supporters of Star Trek, was formed to protest this action. A questionnaire was developed and distributed by the members of the group, and a 16-page report was compiled from the data gathered. An ad was placed in the Hollywood Reporter highlighting the tremendous financial losses to Paramount should Spock be killed in the new Star Trek movie. This ad resulted in a front-page story in the Wall Street Journal on Oct.9, 1981 There was an overwhelming media response to the ad and the Wall Street Journal story. Over 15 radio interviews (U.S. and Britain) were given, and numerous newspaper articles were written. The second phase of the plan of action is now beginning. If you would like to help, please write to Paramount and Gulf and Western emphasizing your decrease in movie attendance and purchase of related Star Trek products. The following people were instrumental in this effort: Toni Cardinal-Price, Jean Chabot, Vicky Clark, Adrienne Deutsch, Mary Ann Drach, Jean Ensling, [Billie Pillips], Laura Leach, Kathy Resch, Barbara Storey, and Terry Todzonia, in addition to other contributors. For a copy of the ad and the Wall Street Journal story, please send a SASE to Concerned Supporters of Star Trek at above address; for a copy of the report, please send $1.30 in postage.

A 1982 Letter

A letter written by Laura Leach in Interstat #51

Even if Paramount only leaked the plot of killing Spock as a PR stunt (and had no intention of actually killing Spock), our groups' (CCST) efforts are not in vain. One of our goals is the continuation of Trek. If the efforts generate publicly that helps the financial success of the movie, then the chance of additional productions, books, etc. are increased. If on the other hand, Paramount did (or does) intend to kill Spock, then at least we didn't sit by and let Paramount destroy something we consider important. I would hate to be in Paramount's shoes if Spock is killed and the movie is not a success. Paramount is a Business, and businesses minimize risks while trying to maximize returns - not the other way around. Gulf and Western (Paramount's).

Some Ads and Clippings

Some of the Questionnaire Results as Printed in Interstat #49

External Sources

  • "Does Mr. Spock Die In the Next Episode Of 'Star Trek' Saga? Keeping the Character Alive Is of Paramount Concern To a Small Galaxy of Fans by Stephen J. Sansweet, Staff Reporter of The Wall Street Journal, 1760 words
  • "'Star Trek' lives but Spock dies" by Ed Naha, article in The New York Post, September 30, 1981