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Name: Dewey
Alias(es): dewey3067
Type: editor, reccer
Fandoms: due South, The Sentinel, Stargate Atlantis
URL: dewey3067 at LiveJournal
dewey at Dreamwidth

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Dewey is a slash fan reader New Zealander, notorious for her extensive collaboration as editor, moderator, reccer and OTW supporter.


Evolution of a slasher

From the bio on her LJ/DW profile:

I've been hanging around slash fandom since 2000. Started off in Sentinel (Jim/Blair), moved to due South (Fraser/RayK) and still very much immersed in Stargate Atlantis and hanging on to John and Rodney for dear life, refusing to let go.

Currently I am having a blast watching Hawaii Five-0 and seeing a new fandom evolve before my very eyes.

I'm a reader, not a writer. I've been known to add an entry or two over on Fanlore as I'm helping ds_profiles. So you may see me there, too.

I'd just like to say a blanket thank you to all the wonderful writers and artists who have fed my obsession these many years. I am thoroughly enjoying all the creativity and love you share with us. Life just wouldn't be as sweet without you all.[1]


  1. ^ "Profile". Livejournal. Archived from the original on 2024-06-07.