Do Your Worst (or just do me)

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Title: Do Your Worst (or just do me)
Author(s): giddygeek
Date(s): 23 March 2011
Length: ~1300 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Do Your Worst (or just do me) (LJ)

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Do Your Worst (or just do me) is a Steve/Danny story by giddygeek .

Summary: "I think I could get whatever I wanted out of you right now." Episode tag for 1x19.

Recs and Reviews

Because it's smoking hot porn with pitch-perfect banter? Because it has Steve using blowjobs to get Danny to give up a few of his secrets? Because Danny gives as good as he gets? I'm not sure what more I need to say here. Did I mention the hot porn?[1]


  1. ^ tailoredshirt in: crack_van. Do Your Worst (or just do me) by giddygeek (NC-17), 17 October 2011. (Accessed 08 June 2016)