Every Sparrow Falling

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Title: Every Sparrow Falling
Author(s): Alloway
Date(s): 1997
Fandom: The X-Files
External Links: online here

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Every Sparrow Falling is an X-Files story by Alloway.

Reactions and Reviews


It's an X-File, not really shippy (gasp), but also very cool. It's a creepy story, with the kind of nuances that only pop out after you read it again, and it has some snappy M&S dialogue. This one had atmosphere! [1]


Alloway is best known for "All the Mulders," a fic that is almost requisite reading upon entering the XF fandom (and which has already been recced here), but "Every Sparrow Falling" is equally as brilliant and worthy of recognition. This is a story about evil and madness, about a siren's call that only Mulder can hear; it is about carnivals, mechanical birds, and insanity that transforms into something both beautiful and horrible. The prose is remarkable; the transitions between passages are perfect, lending what could have been a disjointed tale a sense of unity and poetic resonance. Mulder and Scully remain wonderfully true to character throughout, and the ending will leave you utterly haunted (multiple re-reads are almost a necessity). An amazing piece of fiction.[2]


“Every Sparrow Falling” is a case file and an x-file, with Mulder and Scully doing what they do best, investigating the paranormal. It’s been some time since I first read it, but I remember being scared out of my wits. I love this summary from Raiders of the Lost Fanfic, Maybe Amanda’s old rec site: “Casefile, paranormal, religion, madness. And hot dogs, peanuts, and Cracker Jack.” [3]
