Every Story is a Love Story

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Title: Every Story is a Love Story
Author(s): lady_ragnell
Date(s): 25 February 2012 - 17 March 2012
Length: 24,639 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction, Modern AU
Fandom(s): Merlin
External Links: Every Story is a Love Story (LiveJournal)
Every Story is a Love Story (AO3)
Cover art by unknown artist, used on Goodreads

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Every Story is a Love Story is a Merlin/Arthur Modern AU by lady_ragnell. It was written for a kinkme_merlin prompt.[1]

Summary: Camelot Publishing publishes romance novels, and when Arthur founds a new imprint of gay romance and invites his best friend and pet writer Merlin to write for it, it's a bit too easy to miss the fact that apparently he's living in one.

Recs and Reviews

This fic is beautifully written, well paced, and an absolute joy to read. Arthur is so immersed in the ‘trade and marketability’ of romance, he’s oblivious to the epic love story he’s currently living. The angst in this is very light and the UST sizzles. Also both Merlin and Arthur are crazy adorable in the way they dance around each other. Not to mention I absolutely LOVE reading about Merlin as an erotic author and Arthur editing his sex scenes.[2]

I'm such a sucker from oblivious Arthur fics and this one is shaping up perfectly. Merlin and Arthur's relationship is adorable and the supporting cast are all present and acting as the perfect foil for Arthur and Merlin. Also, something tickles me about a romance set in this setting.[3]

Basically, Arthur is head of a Harlequin erotica-type publishing company and Merlin is his top writer. AND THERE IS WRITING OF GAY PORN? THE FEELS IDEK. And as Jen said, “omg editor arthur ;A; it’s like rl author/beta pendragon things”[4]

Gorgeous story that will make you giggle and want to slap the boys for being silly pining idiots! It’s especially close to my heart for certain reasons, and I just love the world the author built up. Arthur’s life and Merlin’s friendship all of it just creates this amazing story that is sure to make any merthur fan’s day complete :) Give it a read as soon as you can![5]

This is pure joy and fluff rolled into a sweet romance that takes place in a publishing house that specialises in cheesy romance. It is cute and clever and I love how this author writes Merlin women.[6]

Merlin’s not Arthur’s PA in this one, but it’s still wonderful. It’s also very adorable how utterly clueless Arthur is.[7]

This read like a beautiful rom-com. Perfect balance of snark and incredulous OBLIVIOUSNESS. The side cast is brilliant as well, judging arthur and merlin for being absolute idiots. This was a great, fun read.[8]

I LOVE THIS FIC. Arthur is, of course, oblivious, and I love the how Arthur thinks it’s because he has become desensitized to romance, rather than the fact that he is just a little dense.[9]


  1. ^ Anonymous. Prompt, 06 February 2012. (Accessed 25 March 2012)
  2. ^ marguerite_26. Merlin Recs, 16 March 2012. (Accessed 25 March 2012)
  3. ^ winterstorm. Recs [Week 6], 05 March 2012. (Accessed 25 March 2012)
  4. ^ skyshadedblue. Every Story is a Love Story (KMM WIP). (Accessed 25 March 2012)
  5. ^ "August 4, 2012". Archived from the original on 2023-03-06.
  6. ^ "Fanfiction Recs". Archived from the original on 2023-03-06.
  7. ^ "Office AUs". Archived from the original on 2023-03-06.
  8. ^ "REC #023 {"sometimes a massage is just a massage"}". Archived from the original on 2023-03-06.
  9. ^ "My Ultimate Merthur Fic List". Archived from the original on 2023-03-06.